Monday, November 06, 2006

Substance is what counts

“I am woman, hear me roar” is a campaign message being used by a judicial candidate. Every election season we are bombarded by cute jingles and slogans with little or no meaning in their content. One jingle being promoted by the democrats is “Let’s take care of tomorrow by making a change today.” What does that mean? Does it mean that if we vote for democrats we should believe the misleading campaign ads being promoted by the local Democratic Executive Committee in the Hernando Times? The question everyone should be asking themselves is, “Where are all the democratic candidates hiding? If they are absent from scrutiny before the election, it only stands to reason they will be unavailable after the November 7th. Jaime Wrye is running on a campaign of comic relief while Glenn Claytor is boasting his age gives him superior wisdom. Rose Rocco was a little more open in her approach by stating that Ad Valorem reduction was not warranted during this year’s budget negotiations. Sandy Hawkins is trying to appeal to the sympathy vote running as a single mother. Are any of these a reason for you to cast your ballot? Or is consistent Ad Valorem reduction more appealing to you? How about leadership in growth management? Or would a strong economy appeal to your senses? If so, look no further than Robert Schenck, David Russell and Nancy Robinson for their proven track records in public service. Cute jingles and fancy slogans will be placed on the shelf to collect dust tomorrow but just remember, substance is what counts on Election Day.

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