Sunday, December 23, 2007

Merry Christmas!

The following is a re-run from my last year's holiday greeting but I think it best conveys the message of Christmas. Please enjoy this transcript of Ronald Reagan's radio message from 1978:
Meaning no disrespect to the religious convictions of others, I still can’t help wondering how we can explain away what to me is the greatest miracle of all and which is recorded in history. No one denies there was such a man, that he lived and that he was put to death by crucifixion.Where….is the miracle I spoke of? Well consider this and let your imagination translate the story into our own time-----possibly to your own home town.
A young man whose father is a carpenter grows up working in his father’s shop. One day he puts down his tools and walks out of his father’s shop. He starts preaching on street corners and in the nearby countryside, walking from place to place, preaching all the while, even though he is not an ordained minister. He never gets farther that an area perhaps 100 miles wide at the most.He does this for three years. Then he is arrested, tried and convicted. There is no court of appeal, so he is executed at age 33 along with two common thieves. Those in charge of his execution roll dice to see who gets his clothing---the only possessions he has. His family cannot afford a burial place for him so he is interred in a borrowed tomb.
End of story? No, the uneducated, property-less young man who…..left no written word has, for 2,000 years, had a greater effect on the world than all the rulers, kings, emperors; all the conquerors, general and admirals; all the scholars, scientists and philosophers who have ever lived---all of them put together.How do we explain that? ......unless he really was what he said he was.
-Ronald Reagan / Dailey Radio Commentary (syndicated) December, 1978

Friday, December 21, 2007

Pressing the flesh...

Walking into the VFW 10209 last night had the aura of a republican candidate rally even though the event was advertised as a grassroots meeting to discuss a "constitutional amendment effort" to cap property taxes at 1.35% with guest speaker, Marco Rubio, Florida's Speaker of the House. Six republican candidates were pressing the flesh with the approximately 150 people in attendance for this event.
The climate in the room took on an aggressive tone as the majority of the candidates shoved their petitions cards into the unsuspecting crowd's hands for signatures to get their names on the ballot. John Druzbick, candidate for county commission, district 3, was the only candidate that did not bring campaign literature or petitions to this event which really shows that he is true gentleman that respects the electorate he hopes to serve in the future. One odd touch that really set the stage for spurious event was the water bottles set out on each table bearing the label of a candidate for district 5 county commission which could be construed as tacky and self-serving for this individual.
The event got under way with the arrival of the guest speaker, Marco Rubio about 7:15 p.m. The hostess of this event was called to the stage to give her brief comments that included remarks stating that this was not a partisan event for either democrats or republicans. Apparently she forgot to remind the attending candidates and their entourages of the non-partisan nature of this event.
Florida's House Speaker, Marco Rubio's presentation lasted about 15 minutes and detailed what he termed the failure of the Legislature to get the job done on tax reform during their last session. He repeated this "failure" statement numerous times while he sp0ke of the constitutional amendment. His off the cuff speech discussed of the Florida's ranking of 2nd place in home foreclosures. Mr. Rubio discussed the American dream in his speech but clearly forgot the constitution in this "representative republican" we call America. To his credit, Mr. Rubio did not speak against the amendment on the ballot for January 29th to increase our Homestead Exemption to $50,000. He just stated numerous times that this legislation was a failure of the Legislature.
The observation of this event gave the impression that Marco Rubio is attempting to do an end-run around the Florida Legislature and Governor Charlie Crist. In a "representative republic" the three branches of government are meant protect the peoples interest in a system of check and balances. Clearly, if Mr. Rubio deems himself a failure then he should sharpen his pencil as he returns to the Legislature in 2008 to lower the tax burden on Florida property owners, not grandstand by pushing a constitutional amendment outside the parameters of his job classification as a Florida Representative.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Fiscal fascists...

Jeff Webb's editorial column in yesterday's Hernando Times really hit the nail on the head. If you missed it, he discussed Hernando County employees courting the idea of joining the Teamster's Union. He referred to the anti-tax zealots that have driven the employees to consider unionizing after last summer's contentious budget debate.
In his article, Mr. Webb referred to "the fiscal fascists who vowed to punish county commissioner for their benevolence with their government bashing scheme in next year's election. The county commissioners Mr. Webb referred to were Mr. Stabins, Ms. Rowden and Mr. Kingsley for their affirmative vote to approve county employee salary increases. This public threat to their political future was leveled at the last budget hearing by Blaise Ingoglia of the Government Gone Wild seminars.
To quote Mr. Webb article, he said "Property taxes are too high because the real estate, building and mortgage industries were to busy making money three years ago to worry about not over inflating the housing market". In my opinion, this single statement set the tone for the downfall of the housing market. Speculators fueled an artificial economy and are crying foul for the mess they created in their respective trades and now expect everyone else to pick up the pieces.
Will the county employees vote for the Teamster's Union representation? I hope not but who would blame them after being held up to public ridicule for months being depicted as being lazy, incompetent and overpaid...

So-called analysts...

Yesterday, the Hernando Today ran an article titled, "Selling homes in a down market". In this article, local realtor, Gary Schraut was quoted as saying, "Home prices were artificially driven up by wild speculation and it is unfair to use those years (2003 to 2005) as a yardstick to say the home market is a complete disaster". He also said that "We're seeing a turnaround in the housing market and hopefully we're going to stabilize. I think all the speculators are gone". Local builder, Dudley Hampton was also quoted in the same article saying, Hernando County still boasts the lowest prices (on homes) in the Tampa Bay metropolitan area" and he believes that much of the negativity comes from so-called analysts who continue to preach grim housing news.
Gary Schraut and Dudley Hampton need to be commended for having a positive outlook for the local housing market. T
heir professional outlook of our local economy was refreshing to read in yesterday's paper. Both of these individuals operate well-established businesses in our county and their market research gave the public a clear insight on state of our current economy. In short, their positive attitude is a direct reflection of the majority of the business owners who strive to successful in our community.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Holiday spirit

Last Saturday's Christmas edition of Bandshell Bash was a tremendous success for the community. The Bandshell Committee had teamed up with Hernando Hospice this year to present some outstanding talent for our local community. The Hernando Youth Symphony opened the festivities by playing some old time Christmas classics. The Bandshell committee invitations to the local choir groups, the church bell ringers, the harpist and soloist proved to be a success for this holiday extravaganza.
Hernando County Commissioner Rose Rocco was on hand to personally hit the switch to light the Hernando Hospice memory tree on display next door to the Chamber office on Fort Dade. The holiday crowd that had assembled thoroughly enjoyed ringing in the holiday spirit with this month's bash. In case you missed the fun and festivities at the park, it will be broadcast over the government access channel on Brighthouse network for your home viewing, holiday entertainment.

Decade's long debacle

The Brooksville Housing Authority is in limbo now that Mayor Pugh has forced the majority of their board to submit resignations against their will with his flimsy charges of being inefficient in their board duties. The Brooksville Housing Authority Board is suppose to have seven full time members from the community but only has three left standing which does not constitute a quorum to conduct the BHA business. It will be interesting to see how long it takes with this now, dysfunctional board before the business at the Brooksville Housing Authority comes to a screeching halt.
With these forced resignations, David Pugh, Jr. has envisioned a group of business leaders temporarily taking the rein of the Brooksville Housing Authority Board to determine if the Hernando County Housing Authority should assume responsibility for this decade's long debacle. Beyond the clear intent for the Brooksville City Council to micro-manage the BHA with this latest action, it appears that no one has logically evaluated who makes the final decision in reference to the Hernando County Housing Authority assuming responsibility for the Brooksville Housing Authority.
Any changes to the structure of the Brooksville Housing Authority must first pass the approval of HUD officials. The Brooksville City Council has absolutely no authority to mandate changes in Brooksville's Housing Authority oversight, and neither does the Hernando County Commissioners. The Hernando County Housing Authority Commissioners, who serve by the appointment of the governor of Florida, have the final oversight in any final decision of assuming the Brooksville Housing Authority.

Former BHA member

Below is the full text of the letter of resignation submitted last week byJeanette Soto, former Brooksville Housing Authority Board member.

December 7,2007

Mayor David Pugh,

This letter will serve as my resignation from the board, effective immediately. Though I have always wished to support you, and your directive for the Brooksville Housing Authority Board, I was extremely reluctant to submit my resignation after reading your comment in the newspaper November 29, 2007 that “charges might be forth coming”, especially after you had told me numerous times I had done nothing wrong nor had I caused any trouble on my short 3-month (four meeting) tenure. I couldn’t possibly imagine any charges directed only at me, since I was only one member of a seven member board. I felt your subsequent comments in the newspaper December 4th regarding my integrity were even more damaging to my reputation.

In spite of the very heavy baggage brought forth from the past, (long before any of the current board members took office), there are good things happening in the community.
It was a pleasure to voluntarily work with all members of the BHA Board, the Executive Director and especially to have been given the privilege and opportunity to meet many of the residents of the housing’s community.

I thank you and the City Council for giving me the opportunity to volunteer and serve the City of Brooksville. I remain,

Jeanette Soto

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Sweet Treats...

The caption in this morning's Hernando Times article read, "Purchasing goodies is not in the new police chief's job description". For those of you that did not read this article, it related to candy needed for the city council members to throw to the children in this morning's Christmas Parade. Since the city council has been pushing this new public-private partnership, what was wrong with them opening up their pocketbooks to buy several bags of candy for the children instead putting their hands out to private business? This "candy" is used by the city council as a way to ingratiate themselves with the public, so you would think they would have loaded up on these sweet treats.
The new police chief for the city of Brooksville stated in this article that his responsibilities were to provide security, drive the mayor in the lead car and keep the parade moving at an acceptable pace and not provide candy for the children like the previous chief, Ed Tincher. Turner was also adamant that he would not wear a Santa suit in the parade. Since he didn't wear the Santa suit and pooh-poohed the duty of buying candy for the children, did anyone notice if he dressed for the occasion by putting on an Ebenezer Scrooge outfit?

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Two wrongs...

At Monday night's Brooksville City Council meeting, local resident Richard Howell protested the re-election of David Pugh, Jr. as mayor for a second term. Mr. Howell stated at the podium that past protocol dictated the vice chair be chosen for the position. Mr. Howell was correct in his past interpretation of procedures to choose the mayor of the city of Brooksville even though he was countered by Mr. Pugh, who pointed out that he, himself, had served as vice mayor for two consecutive terms.
To refresh every one's memory, Joe Johnston was chosen for a second year in 2005 to serve as mayor even though it was clearly David Pugh's turn in this position as leader. The reasons given then were basically the same which was council preferred to have Mr. Johnson continue in this position. The only thing different was it was a 5-0 open vote to retain Mr. Johnston, unlike the 3-2 paper ballot on Monday night. During the 2005 city council vote to retain him, it was clearly implied that Mr. Johnston's experience outweighed protocol to elect David Pugh, Jr. who had been seen by a majority of his fellow council members as immature, and too inexperienced to hold this ceremonial position.
David Pugh, Jr. should have been more gracious on Monday night to decline the endorsement by Mr. Bernardini. Two wrongs just don't make a right...

Tuesday, December 04, 2007


What ever you call it, term or turn, Brooksville's Vice Mayor got overlooked last night at the city council meeting. Councilman Richard Lewis nominated Frankie Burnett for the position of Mayor. Joe Bernardini then indicated he wanted to retain David Pugh as mayor. Instead of voting on Frankie Burnett's nomination first, as directed by Robert's Rule of Procedural Order, the city council voted 3-2 with Mr. Bernardini's suggestion of retaining Mr. Pugh for another year. Council members Bradburn, Pugh and Bernadini voted in favor while Mr. Burnett and Mr. Lewis voted nay.
Even though the position of mayor in the city of Brooksville is largely ceremonial in nature, it is seen as a privilege to serve the community in the highest capacity of an elected official. Frankie Burnett deserved the opportunity to serve the city as mayor this year and was blind-sided by these three council members...

Monday, December 03, 2007


I have included two letters (below) that I received concerning news that David Pugh, Jr. has once again requested four Brooksville Housing Board members submit resignations by noon today. Mayor Pugh's letter to Brooksville Housing Board member, Jeanette Soto, did not indicate that she had violated any rules or procedures, only that he wanted a more "cohesive board". Has the Brooksville Housing Authority had their controversy over the last 18 months? Yes, they have, but some of the blame lies at the doorstep of the Brooksville City Council for not asserting their authority during the indictments and convictions of two previous employees of the Brooksville Housing Authority.
Mr. Pugh was quoted in the Hernando Times last Friday as saying, "I really think a new group of board members can go in, review day-to-day operations and report back." Report back to him? Wasn't the mayor paying attention to the letter from HUD that clearly stated Brooksville Housing Authority members cannot interfere with day-to-day operations which are not the duties of the Brooksville Housing Authority board members. HUD clearly stated that Brooksville Housing Board members cannot interfere with day-to-day operations to micromanage the housing authority. Their main concern is the oversight of their executive director, Mr. Ronnie McLean. If the Brooksville City council wanted a more cohesive board then they should have immediately appointed a seventh member after the resignation of previous board member. This appointment of a seventh member would have aided in the democratic process of the BHA board meetings to prevent tie votes and assist in "more cohesive meetings".

This letter is from Mayor David Pugh to Mrs. Jeanette Soto, Brooksville Housing Authority member:

Dear Mrs.Soto:

The City of Brooksville acknowledges that public service is the foundation and backbone of our community. Furthermore, the City commends your efforts in attempting to make Brooksville a better place to live.

As you are aware, the Brooksville Housing Authority (BHA) has been mired in controversy for several months. I attempted to remedy the problem the BHA has been experiencing through the appointment of new members. Unfortunately, it does not appear that the current composition of the BHA has been effective in administering its duties.

I have spent many hours contemplating how this matter should be addressed, and it is with a heavy heart that I must respectfully request that you resign from your position on the Brooksville Housing Authority, as I believe that new members must be appointed to ensure the cohesive operation of the BHA.

I have enclosed a Letter of Resignation. Please sign the Letter of Resignation where indicated, and return it to the City Manager no later than 12:00 PM., Monday, December 3, 2007.

It is my sincere hope that you will consider this action as an attempt by the City to avoid further distractions, and not as a reflection on you personally.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


David Pugh, Mayor

This letter is from Jeanette Soto to the Brooksville City Council:

December 1, 2007

Honorable Mayor, David Pugh, and City Council Members
201 Howell Avenue
Brooksville, FL 34601

RE: Brooksville Housing Authority Board

Dear Mayor Pugh and City Council Members:

This letter is to request a formal hearing before the entire City Council regarding the Mayor’s request for my resignation as a member on the Brooksville Housing Authority Board.

The Mayor called me Thursday afternoon, November 29, 2007 to advise me that he was sending me a voluntary letter of resignation from the BHA Board for my signature. He assured me numerous times during the call that, “I had done nothing wrong, nor had I caused any trouble.” After receiving this letter and carefully considering the Mayor’s request, I have decided that I will not resign from the Board. Having done nothing wrong, there is no reason for me to resign. I intend to complete the term of office to which I was appointed and to continue to serve the residents of the Community.

It is not clear to me whether the Mayor was acting alone or with the support of the City Council. Accordingly, if the City Council desires my resignation, I request the opportunity to address the Council in a formal hearing.

Please inform me of a date and time for a hearing to fully discuss this matter.


Jeanette R. Soto, Commissioner
Brooksville Housing Authority Board

Cc: Jennene Norman-Vacha, City Manager
John G. Niesz, Director, HUD Office of Public Housing
Hernando Times
Hernando Today