Monday, October 31, 2005

Gas Tax Extension?

On tomorrow's Hernando County Commission agenda is a request from Charles Mixson to schedule a public hearing on November 15, 2005 at 10 a.m. to consider a proposed ordinance to extend the Local Option Gas Tax for 10 years. In addition to extending the two cent Local Option Fuel Tax, a recommendation to create a Pavement Management Program is requested to allow allocation of funds for both collector and residential roads based on the most cost effective method to reconstruct, resurface or overlay each roadway with no greater emphasis on either roads, collector or residential. A question begs to be asked in light of this current request for the creation of a Pavement Management Program which is, "What happened to the penny-forever Local Option Fuel Tax that was approved in 1999 for this very maintenance program?"

Petition to Lower Ad Valorem Taxes

Particular attention needs to be paid to the petition to lower Ad Valorem taxes circulating in Hernando County by a very enterprising individual named Linda Hayward. Quiet grassroots initiatives such as this petition sometimes erupt in a ground swell of activity among communities to push for change of our current system. With the ever present tug of war between a tax and spend government mind-think and the consumer culture of citizens expecting the government to be the do-all for everyone,this petition will face an uphill battle convincing our community. An old adage could apply here which is be careful for what you wish for, it may come true. If this petition ever reaches referendum on the ballot to freeze or lower our millage rate, a more powerful form of taxation could be created by our commissioners, with the insistence of our constitutional officers to cover their departmental expenses. The commissioners could split the Ad Valorem up into categories thus charging for services, like public safety, individually defeating this petition by Ms. Hayward.

Friday, October 28, 2005

Civility Code is Value Based

This afternoon I received a very interesting email and fax concerning my previous post on the suggestion of a Civility Code at last Tuesday's Board of Hernando County Commission meeting. Pasted below are excerpts from this thought provoking email correspondence. I have intentionally left off this individual's name and county, per my pledge to him for complete anonymity. (Please be patient as I attempt to correct the problem with this Blog accepting direct comment)
I am a public administrator in the state of Florida, having dedicated 33 years of my life to professional public
service. I read news clips from around the state and one of them took me to your blog. I do not know you and frankly I should probably not even involve myself in what seems to be a very difficult political situation in your county. But I care too much about local government, Florida and democracy so I pass the thoughts
along that your blog instilled in me. I had typed them in to your blog response only to discover that it was just an outgoing blog.
Some days I love my job and other days it is the most difficult thing that I have ever done. I have watched the demeanor of public dialogue erode over these 33 years or more. To be certain, any political dialogue is subject to hyperbole from time to time, but it appears to have become more and more personal. Perhaps it is our short attention span, perhaps it is the tabloid type of journalism that plays to our most prurient and dark
side wherein we covet the pain of others in a perverse "there but for the grace of god go I mindset", perhaps it is our consumer oriented culture where we have been told we can have everything our way - yet in a democracy that form of pluralism is a ridiculous expectation. I believe that we have been socialized by
our consumer culture and populist politics to become entitled and selfish. Democracy is about common interest not self-interest and government of the people and by the people is expected to be perfect (when none of us are) and government is expected to solve everyone's problems and yet we wonder why it has
gotten so big.

I have taken time to think about this and in so doing I became reconnected to the roots of democracy. This journey gives me solace, a new mission in career and a hope in and for the positive and indomitable spirit
of Americans. I have hope, because I now give this civic lesson at every speech that I give. I seek to place the responsibility for citizenship and the need to own the associated values where it belongs, on each of us, and it connects. Most importantly is that values base that has made this country work through application of the art of compromise and statesmanship juxtaposed to the culture of self-interest that is played out 24/7 in our lives.

If I were to be asked to boil that lesson down to a couple of things I would suggest that one look at four things - John Locke's "The Nature of Man" (please god don't attempt to read it all), Federalist 10 wherein Madison speaks to the need for representative government to manage factions, the most self interested of which
is each of us and yet we are the sovereign, one simple quote by Jefferson "That government governs best which governs least, because its citizens are
most relevant) and deTocqueville's "Democracy in America" wherein he observes that democracy is unique in this country because of our associations.
Many communities and foundations have been hard at work in an attempt to deal with the incivility that is plaguing our society and governance. I personally believe that it is local government’s responsibility to invest in democracy and the resultant conversations and to in fact model appropriate behavior. The adaptation to a civility code is a value-based way of doing such modeling.

Mark Your Calendar for November 5th

Please mark your calendar for the 5th Annual Veterans Appreciation Parade on Saturday, November 5th at 10 a.m. Bring your American flags, your children & your neighbors to show your support for the men & women of our military, past & present. Everyone is encouraged to walk with our veterans to express thanks for their heroic deeds. Please take a few minutes out of your day to express your patriotism during this most crucial time in our country's history. Your participation in this patriotic event will proudly salute our local veterans for their valiant service to our Nation! Your participation, as a parade participant or an on-looker, will be valued by our many veterans in attendance for the parade. Parade line-up starts at 8:30 a.m. in the parking lot behind Brooksville City Hall located at 201 Howell Avenue in downtown Brooksville (there's plenty of parking in adjacent lot on Orange Avenue). This Veterans Appreciation Parade is proudly sponsored by the city of Brooksville with Anna Liisa Covell as parade coordinator.

Fun Family Events Tonight

If you are looking for fun, family-friendly activities to enjoy for Halloween try one of these events:
  • Hernando County 16th Annual Fall Festival/Hernando County Fairground/754-4031/Oct. 28th & 29th 6-10 pm.
  • Weeki Wachee Springs Wild & Wicked Nights/596-2062/Oct. 28th/Starts at 7 p.m.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

It's a Sad Day

It is a sad day for our Republic this morning to hear that Harriet Miers has withdrawn her name for appointment to the US Supreme Court. This sadness is felt at the contempt that Ms. Miers endured as our President's nomination to our highest court, by both sides of the isle. This sadness is for Ms. Miers, herself, for not having the opportunity to get an up or down vote in the US Senate as President Bush's nominee. This sadness is for the entire electorate that has been misquided to believe our Nation is a democracy and not the representative Republic our Constitution was founded on over 225 years ago.

Welcome Addition the Classroom

A welcome but commanding presence became visible in all classroom's in Hernando County and across the state of Florida at the beginning of this school year. This presence quietly makes one's heart skip a beat with pride while reminding everyone why our country is the greatest Nation in the world. Many of us that over the age of consent remember the 'old days' when this presence gradually became taken for granted until this mighty presence disappeared completely without a whimper or complaint. In fact, the absence of this mighty but quiet presence did not return to the classroom until our very own patriotic Senator Fasano stood on the floor of the Senate of Florida to initiate legislation for the presence's return. You see, Senator Fasano stood for all that is good in this nation to demand the return of our American Flag to every classroom in our state. Thank you, Senator Fasano for service to our state and your patriotism!

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Civility Code of Conduct?

Several years ago, after the contentious restructuring of the Planning and Zoning Commission by the Hernando County Board of Commissioners, I ran into a very prominent local attorney in Publix one evening. While chatting in the produce department, this very southern gentleman said something to me that changed my entire outlook on our community. He said that the days of civility have gone by the wayside and that somehow elected officials and government workers had forgotten they are, in an essence, civil servants with their primary purpose to serve the people in a civil, courteous manner. Our county has come a long way since then, with most of us assuming a more mature, polite manner of communication, but there is always room for improvement for everyone and not just those associated with our local government. Speaking as a community in general, it should be everyone's common goal to be gracious and respectful of others, even in the heat of a debate, discussion or dispute. The reason this subject has been broached today is a suggestion made by our county administrator, Gary Adams, for a proposed Civility Code for our county at the county commission meeting today. Mr. Adams proposal was met with silence from all the commissioners, with the exception of Mrs. Robinson, who referred to a prior county administrator. Maybe this suggestion is worth exploring, in light of the apparent air of negativity being expressed countywide. It would be a breath of fresh air to all of us that call this place, Hernando County home!

Proposed Changes for Planning & Zoning Commission

This morning a new application form for all county boards / committees was approved with a unanimous vote of the Hernando County Board of Commissioners. This new application form includes questions relating to arrest records for felony prosecutions, 1st & 2nd degree misdemeanors, plus questions in reference to civil litigation involving the applicant. This new form will aid in preventing any future problems with applicants for the Planning & Zoning Commission with the added verbiage that states, in part, "By my signature below, I hereby authorize Hernando County to check my references and my background including, without limitation, obtaining a criminal history check and/or consumer credit report". As a current member of the Planning & Zoning Commission, this morning I authorized the Board of County Commission to conduct a search on my background, to make it a level playing field with all new applicants, even though the BOCC had not chosen to make this provision retroactive for current members. This stringent new application is necessary to protect the integrity of this quasi-judicial board. Hopefully, a more relaxed application form will be made available to all other committees / board positions for the county volunteers. After much discussion, the Planning and Zoning applicant interview process proposal brought forward by Commissioner Stabbins, was postponed until their November 1, 2005 meeting so Garth Coller could obtain more information on a process currently utilized in Citrus County.

Monday, October 24, 2005


United States Department of Health and Human Services Secretary, Michael O. Leavitt and Governor Jeb Bush today announced federal approval of Florida's groundbreaking Medicaid transformation plan. Florida's reform program will improve quality of care and provide predictability in spending for Medicaid, the state-federal partnership charged with providing healthcare to more than 2.2 million vulnerable, disabled and elderly Floridians. This reform plan means better access to quality care, improved choice for Florida's Medicaid participants by moving to a patient-centered system, plus create a Medicaid Marketplace.
This introduction of competition and consumer choice will improve quality of care and empower Florida's 2.2 million Medicaid beneficiaries with choice. With upcoming Legislature approval, this reform plan implementation will begin in Duval and Broward Counties for Phase 1. Florida's new Medicaid plan will modernize an outdated program and assist in better prediction of our state spending.
Our thanks to Governor Bush!

Ronald Reagan's 11th Commandment

"Thou shalt not speak ill of a fellow Republican."

Friday, October 21, 2005

Octoberfest at Oak Hill

The annual Octoberfest celebration at Oak Hill Hospital was a huge success last night. This event is co-sponsored by Withlacoochee River Electric and coordinated through the Greater Hernando Chamber of Commerce. An Om-Pah-Pah Band played Polkas as the attendees feasted on Bratwurst, sauerkraut and red cabbage with delicious German chocolate cake for dessert. Many local notables, such as, Jeff Stabbins and Nancy Robinson were seen mingling in the crowd along with Pat Crowley, Dave Weinman, Barbara Manuel and Eunice Abdul-Rahim. Our thanks go out to Oak Hill Hospital and Withlacoochee Electric for being such good corporate partners in our community.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

2005 Heart Walk Halloween Hullabalooza

Oak Hill Hospital is hosting a children's Halloween Costume Contest, Silent Auction extravaganza along with a local talent showcase to benefit the 2005 Heart Walk on Sunday, October 30th from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Fun food, prizes, and surprises will provide family fun for everyone! To register, call (352)597-3007

Vote to Shield Gun Makers from Lawsuits

The US House of Representatives will vote to shield gun makers from lawsuits today according to comments made by Congresswoman Ginny Brown-Waite on a local Brooksville radio station this morning. With this pending legislation, criminals, not manufacturers, will face being sued for gun-related damages. Previously the Senate voted on July 29, 2005 to shield firearms manufacturers, dealers and importers from lawsuits brought by victims of gun crimes, a measure opponents said had been ordered up by the gun lobby. This Senate vote of 65-31 vote passed a bill that supporters said protects the industry from financial disaster and bankruptcy caused by damage lawsuits. In reference to the Senate vote in July, the NRA was quoted as stating, "The Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act will end predatory lawsuits against our firearm industry and gun owners scored their greatest legislative win since enactment of 1986`s Firearms Owners` Protection Act."

A Proclamation by the President of the United States of America

During National Character Counts Week, we focus on ways to reach out to our fellow Americans, especially children. Parents are the first and best example of character in a child's life. By volunteering and performing other acts of service in their communities, parents can teach children about the good that comes from helping others. By extending a hand to those who suffer, parents can demonstrate kindness and compassion and help children learn the importance of serving a cause greater than themselves.
Our schools also play a vital part in providing children with the principles they need to grow and succeed. The Department of Education supports character education through its Partnerships in Character Education Program. During my Administration, over 60 State and local education agencies have received funding from the Department of Education to provide programs that teach important values to our youth.
Many citizens around the country are helping in the effort to teach character to children. One of the most important ways to contribute is to become a mentor. By showing love, support, and compassion, one person can make a difference in the life of a child.
During National Character Counts Week and throughout the year, I encourage children and all Americans to make good choices in life, set high standards, and serve as leaders. By working together, we can all contribute to a culture of good citizenship and responsibility that strengthens our Nation.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, GEORGE W. BUSH, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim October 16 through October 22, 2005, as National Character Counts Week. I call upon public officials, educators, librarians, parents, students, and all Americans to observe this week with appropriate ceremonies, activities, and programs.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this fourteenth day of October, in the year of our Lord two thousand five, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirtieth.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Hernando County Legislative Delegation

The Hernando County Legislative Delegation will conduct their semi-annual meeting for public comment/input on November 4, 2005 from 1 to 4 p.m. at the County Commission Chambers located at 20 N. Main Street in downtown Brooksville. This delegation includes Rep. David Russell, Rep. Charles Dean, Senator Dockery and Senator Fasano. For information, call Rep. Russell's office at 688-5004.

President Congratulates Iraqis on Successful Elections

"We believe, and the Iraqis believe, the best way forward is through the democratic process. Al Qaeda wants to use their violent ways to stop the march of democracy because democracy is the exact opposite of what they believe is right. ... We're making progress toward peace. We're making progress toward an ally that will join us in the war on terror, that will prevent al Qaeda from establishing safe haven in Iraq, and a country that will serve as an example for others who aspire to live in freedom."
-- President George W. BushOctober 16, 2005

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

P & Z Application Process Up For Review?

During commissioner's time this morning, at the Board of Hernando County Commission meeting, discussion ensued about the process to choose new members for the Planning & Zoning Commission. Commissioner Stabbins voiced his desire to have a short interview process of the new applicants. After a consensus of the board was reached Chairman Schenck stated that this item will be placed on next week's BOCC agenda to discuss any changes in the application process for future P & Z members.

Search for new county administrator

This morning the Hernando County Commission gave Human Resource director, Barbara Dupre direction on advertising for the replacement of Gary Adams, county administrator. A motion was passed to use the same procedure when Mr. Adams was hired 18 months ago by utilizing the (same) 15 member citizen board already in place to review the applications. In this motion, Commissioner's Stabbin's & Kingsley will review the final applicants to bring back to the board. This motion passed with a 4-1 vote with Commissioner Schenck voting nay. Commissioner Schenck stated that he wanted a new committee formed of citizens to choose the new county administrator which would have required public notice.

Citizen's Property Insurance Legislation

Attorney General Charlie Crist is backing new ethics legislation after questions were raised about business activities of some Citizens Property Insurance. Crist, who is running for governor, announced Monday a proposed bill that would require employees of "quasi-governmental" organizations such as Citizens to follow the same post-employment restrictions now imposed on other state workers.

That would include a two-year ban on doing business with or lobbying their former employer, shutting down the revolving door that has spun a number of Citizens officials into careers running insurance companies that do business with the state. Most recently, Citizens' chief financial officer and controller left to start a company built entirely on policies formerly held by Citizens. Overtures for a similar venture were made by a Citizens board member earlier this spring.

The bill is sponsored by Sens. Mike Fasano, R-New Port Richey, and Nancy Argenziano, R-Dunellon, and by House Insurance Chairman Dennis Ross, R-Lakeland."This is about accountability," Fasano said. "When you're dealing with taxpayers and taxpayer money, and raising premiums 110 percent, somebody better be accountable."
Excerpts taken from Paige St. JohnNews Journal Capital Bureau, "Crist backs ethics legislation after Citizens questions"

Monday, October 17, 2005

Florida Property Rights Advocates

Florida lawmakers are back in Tallahassee this week for committee meetings. During the committee process is the time when the public can voice their concerns and opinions directly with representatives. The House Select Committee to Protect Property Rights will meet on Tuesday, October 18th at 4 p.m. in Morris Hall. Florida property-rights advocates should take note of this important meeting in Tallahassee.
City of Brooksville Founder's Week Celebration Events this week, in brief:
  • Monday - Bus tours, Victoria Tea, Great Brooksvillian Ceremony
  • Tuesday - Walking Tours, Horse & Buggy Rides
  • Wednesday - DECA Car Show, Victoria Tea, Bus Tours
  • Thursday- Concert in the Park
  • Friday - Period Costume Contest, Hernando High Homecoming Parade, Mural Walk, Civil War Campsite
  • Saturday - Tom Dorsey Book Signing

This is just an abbreviated list of exciting events, for details & time, call 544-5400

At the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington, D.C, March 1, 1985, President Ronald Reagan was quoted-
"Conservative thought is no longer
over.....on the right, it's the mainstream now."

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Upcoming Events:
  • Veterans Appreciation Parade on November 5, 2005 at 10 a.m. in downtown Brooksville

Note: This parade is a citizens participation parade to thank our veterans and those currently serving in our military for freedom worldwide which is proudly sponsored by the City of Brooksville and coordinated by Anna Liisa Covell.

The Founder's Day Parade in Brooksville on Saturday, October 15th was an outstanding success. Each year this local parade enlarges with the participates, as well as on-lookers. Some of the local individuals & groups that marched in the parade yesterday were very notable to say the least, like our own Sheriff Nugent riding his white horse at the lead of his mounted officers for the HCSO. Bonnie Ruge was also seen marching with her ladies of the Daughter's of the American Revolution right ahead of the Hernando High Band & ROTC units. The Young Marines got a rousing round of applause as they passed city hall and I do believe a few Hurrah's & Semper Fi's were heard from the on-lookers. Rep. David Russell and Commissioner's Schenck & Robinson were leading the parade in some real snazzy, classic cars. Radio station WQYK even had several vehicles riding in the parade passing out candy to the children. Mary Alice Quieros was the Grand Marshall for this very special celebration for the 149th birthday of the City of Brooksville. The City of Brooksville's city council spoke at a large gathering at the conclusion while everyone enjoyed birthday cake & lemonade. This was just the kick-off of Founder's week so stay tuned to more exciting news.
Politically speaking, another candidate has thrown his hat into the ring for the 2006 election:
  • Florida State Representative Charles Dean has announced his bid for re-election

Apologies go out to US Rep. Katheryn Harris for not mentioning her announcement to run for the US Senate in an earlier post. The latest polling data has Rep. Harris within 3 points of her incumbent opponent. Keep a close eye on this one!

A very reliable source poised this question to me yesterday & I sure hope it is true...........

"Are you aware of a petition circulating to reduce the millage for Hernando County?"

Friday, October 14, 2005

Congratulations to Senator Dockery for being recognized for these most prestigious awards!

  • Governing magazine has selected Florida State Senator Paula Dockery as a 2005 recipient of “Public Official of the Year.” This honor is due to her intensive work on the historic water bill, Senate Bill 444, which passed earlier this year. Senator Dockery is one of eight public officials from across the country that will be honored at an awards dinner next month in Washington, D.C.
  • State Senator Paula Dockery will be recognized as a “County Champion” by the Florida Association of Counties (FAC) during the Polk County Commission Meeting on October 12, 2005 at 9:00 AM. The Association honors Senator Dockery for her strong commitment to address critical issues around the State.
    “We are honored to recognize Senator Dockery with the County Champion Award for her commitment to Florida’s Counties,” said Florida Association of Counties President Welton Cadwell (Lake). “She understands the importance of state and county governments working together to protect Florida’s natural resources, particularly in the areas of water quality and supply.” This award stems from Senator Dockery’s work during the 2005 legislative session on Enterprise Zones, School Capital Outlay Funding, Recycling, Growth Management, Water, and other issues which positively impact counties around the state.
Congresswoman Ginny Brown-Waite will be honoring Vietnam Veterans tomorrow, Saturday October 15th, at VFW Post 10209 to commemorate the 30th Anniversary of the end to the Vietnam War. The ceremonies will begin promptly at noon. Please note that parking is to be at the new Nature Coast High School, on California where The BUS will provide continuous shuttle service to the VFW Post 10209.
Kudos go out to Senator Fasano for taking the initiative to denounce the decison made by two East Coast Florida schools for relaxing penalties for the use of profanity. Boca Raton High And Palm Beach Gardens High have taken the position that relaxed national standards for swearing should include their schools. Senator Fasano called it an "erosion of our moral fabric."
Community Interests include the well-deserved award for the outstanding Brooksvillian of the Year that will be presented to Mary Alice Queiros by the Brooksville City Council on Monday, September 17th. Mary Alice has been a driving force in the city when it comes to the art world. She developed, and still maintains, the Art Gallery at the Brooksville City Hall. Mary Alice also brought the vision of the murals on commercial business walls to beautify our city. My thanks to the City Council for recognizing this most extraordinary individual!

Politically speaking, October has started out to be an exciting month in Hernando County. We have had some earlier pre-qualification of candidates for the 2006 election which are:

  • Commissioner Robert Schenck has announced that he will run for the Florida State House of Representatives, Dist. 44
  • Rep. David Russell released a press release this morning (WWJB 1450) announcing his run for the Hernando County Commission/District 4
  • Bill McCollum announced that he will be running for Florida's Attorney General position

Fundraising get-togethers have also started for the 2006 election. Our very own Congresswoman Ginny Brown-Waite enjoyed a birthday party thrown in her honor last Saturday night at the Lake House in Spring Hill. The host committee for this fundraiser did a tremendous job making the night special for Ginny & her guests. Soft violin music played as her friends, new and old alike, celebrated by munching on delicious cake and dainty sweets while sipping champagne, coffee and soft drinks. Many notables were in attendance for this gala event which included the Honorable David Russell, Sheriff Nugent and Karen Nicolai. Tom Barb was also in attendance along with many other members from the Greater Hernando Chamber of Commerce like Dudley Hampton, Gus Guadagnino, Anna Liisa Covell and Lonnie Embry. Frank Colletti, former Chairman of the REC was also in attendance. This gathering of over 100 well-wishers certainly enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere while helping Ginny celebrate her birthday with this early successful fundraising event.