Tuesday, May 23, 2006

As the commercial goes

Just as the commercial goes: Wife, mother, small business owner, college student, volunteer, now world traveler. I'm going on safari and sightseeing in South Africa and will see you all on this web page when I return on June 9th. I am sure I will have many interesting stories to share so please stop back then.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Fire Consolidation

Fire Consolidation Rebuttal to Hernando Today and WWJB Radio's position:

In my opinion, county-wide consolidation of the fire districts is premature at this time based on many critical facts that have been discussed at length over the past ten years. Many people have worked diligently to discuss county-wide consolidation, from the citizen-lead committees, to the 800 plus people that voiced their opinion at the fairgrounds in 1999, and each had varying opinions on the subject, most of which revolved around money. The previous Hernando County Fire Board, chaired by a prominent member of our community, worked for two years on this issue and came to the conclusion that services took a back- seat to the needs of HCFR wanting to collect more money to enlarge their department. Several critical issues in our community would need to be faced head-on if a county-wide consolidation were to take place which are:

  • Spring Hill was voted in by a mandate of the people and would need to be abolished by a similar vote.
  • Hernando Beach is a very viable volunteer department and operates at the pleasure of beach citizens.
  • High Point Volunteer, operates at the wishes of their community and should be given time to iron out their problems.
  • Tri-County Volunteer Dept. is as certified and equipped as HCFR.
  • The City of Brooksville has an excellent fire department with a city-wide ISO rating of 4.
  • Countywide consolidation would not solve the problems of all property owners. Many properties fall outside any 5 mile radius ring in (relation to fire departments) and could possibly cause people to lose their homeowners insurance or have it rise to level beyond their ability to pay for coverage based on fire department current locations.

In closing, making something bigger does not necessarily make it better and that could certainly be said when it comes to government. Consolidation of all the fire districts in Hernando County would create a massive bureaucracy, which would be fueled by our taxpayer money, and have very little oversight, in my opinion.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Frivolous Article

A frivolous article ran in the Hernando Times today on the front page of section E titled, Not Her Strong Suit, which was about Katherine Harris who is a candidate for US Senate. Frankly, the article written by Sharon Fink, seemed to be a little caddy, if not just plain mean-spirited about Rep. Katherine Harris. The writer decided to critique the clothing Mrs. Harris wore last week while meeting President Bush at MacDill Air Force Base, with the aid of three Tampa Bay area image consultants. Its not necessary to reiterate the content of Ms. Finks article except to say this displayed a real lack of taste, and was sexist, to say the least. Since the St. Petersburg Times prides ithself on being fair and impartial, especially to women and minorities, why did they allow this rubbish to be printed in their paper? Possibly to redeem their credibility, the St. Petersburg Times could run a full page article about her opponent, Senator Bill Nelson, and criticize his clothing down to the most minute detail.

Fire Rate Increases

Chief Mike Nickerson, Hernando County Fire Rescue, went before the County Commissioners to present two new funding options for residential structures today. Option A would be a maximum of $236.38 on a residence which would be a 185% increase over last year's rates. Option B would be a maximum of $305.06 which would be an increase of 238% from last year. Both of these methods would have a automatic cost of living increase built into the fire rates (each year) at 5% minimum to 8% maximum per year. After much discussion, and input from several citizens (myself included), the commissioners tabled the issue to next week's meeting. The discussion next week will be necessary to set the funding limits for legal notices to be sent out to all homeowners under the service of the HCFR for the public hearing scheduled in July to raise our fire fees. Input will be taken next week by the commissioners regarding the citizen's opinions on Chief Nickerson's rate increases request. Chief Nickerson was quoted today as saying they could reduce this amount but would have to cut some services. The services to be cut were not discussed but neither were the spending habits of the HCFR district. Last year Chief Nickerson attempted to raise the rates over 35% while trying to sell the idea of a new fire administration building, with a fire training school on site, but was held to a 23% increase on residential property. It would be interesting to find out if HCFR has elaborate plans for this new rate increase request. Remember several months ago, the Hernando County Parks Department had included a swimming pool in their budget which was exposed in the newspaper after some in-depth research by a reporter. A novel approach would be to have the HCFR justify each one of their expenditures before any rate increases are approved by the county commissioners and spell out exactly what the property owners are getting in exchange for their fees. One item that should be kept in mind is that most rural areas do not have the luxury of a nearby fire hydrant and have to depend on a pumper truck, with one tank of water, to solve their fire problems in an emergency. If this rate increase affects you, call your county commissioners at 754-4000 today to voice your opinion.

County Commission/district 4

The race for Hernando County Commission, district 4 just became a little more interesting this morning. Sindra Ridge pre-qualified as a candidate for this position at the Supervisor of Elections office this morning. Ms. Ridge, who had just recently changed her party affiliation from republican to democrat, signed up as democratic candidate to challenge the lone republican, David Russell for the seat. The name Sindra Ridge should sound familiar since she has been quoted many times in the local newspapers on issues concerning growth management and Hernando County's Comprehensive Plan. Time will only tell if anymore candidates will jump on board for this year's election. The only incumbent candidate without opposition is school board representative, Sandra Nicholson, who has held down that seat for 12 years.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

"Happy Mother's Day to all mothers, grandmothers, and soon-to-be moms! Anna Liisa

Legislative Performance

Tampa Bay Business Journal has been running an online poll about the performance of the Florida Legislative term that just concluded on May 5, 2006. These are the following results of this poll:

How did elected officials do in Florida's 2006 legislative session?
How much did legislators accomplish in the 2006 Florida legislative session?


Very little

They were somewhat successful

They were successful

They had results beyond expectations

If you do the math, the Legislature tied itself with somewhat successful, to success, at 49% and nothing, to doing very little at 49%. Although this poll is unscientific, it appears that the Florida Legislature performed at a mediocre level in the eyes of the Tampa Bay business community that reads this Tampa Bay Business Journal on a daily basis. Maybe the lack of any real solutions to correct the insurance industry, relating to homeowner's insurance, in our state played a large part in lack of enthusiasm of the performance of our legislators.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Volunteer Recognition

Yesterday, the annual Volunteer Recognition Program took place at the Christ Lutheran Church on North Avenue in Brooksville to thank all the partners in public service for Hernando County. This program was coordinated by Brenda Frazier, with the assistance of Rick Foti and his crew, to assist the Hernando County Commission and staff in thanking the many volunteers that serve our county. Jen Holloway, of Bay News 9, gave a rousing speech about volunteering adding her own personal touch with comments about her own family. Certificates of Appreciation were presented by the county commissioners to volunteers that serve on all the advisory boards, committees, emergency management, library, county extension, volunteer fire departments and adopt-a-road programs. Some of the others recognized were the many volunteers that also serve in county offices throughout the county. Sheriff Nugent presented certificates of appreciation to the neighborhood crime watch groups. A very pretty, young woman named Lucy Werner sang several songs to the delight of the audience. Door prizes were given out as the event was winding down and then everyone was invited to refreshments served by the Christ Lutheran Church Men's Club. A special thanks needs to be extended to Reverend Drankwater for his hospitality. Most of all, though, Brenda Frazier and Rick Foti's crew deserve a round of applause from all (us) volunteers for making this event so successful again this year!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Protect the children...

This is a special thanks to one of my anonymous neighbors that has been watching out for the welfare of the children in our neighborhood. Someone has taken the time to regularly post the addresses and photographs of the sexual predators of our zip code at our local post office. This is a tremendous help to the busy parent, or grandparent, concerned with the safety and welfare of their children. This information has been posted on the bulletin board outside the post office where everyone can see it when picking up mail. To those of you that do not know the rural area of northeast Hernando County, we do not receive delivered mail so the bulletin board is a way of communicating with all the neighbors. It is heart warming to see that my neighbor has taken the time to protect the local children in this small way.

Thanks Ginny

Congresswoman Ginny Brown Waite voted today on the Tax Increase Prevention and Reconciliation Act of 2005 which extends the alternative minimum tax relief, the increased limit on small business expensing, and the low rates on capital gains and dividends which passed 244-185 on a bi-partisan vote. Congresswoman Brown-Waite also was able to gain a commitment from House Ways and Means Chairman Bill Thomas to pass legislation to extend the state and local sales tax deduction for Florida taxpayers in an future subsequent round of tax legislation. Representative Brown-Waite was quoted as saying, "The state sales tax deduction brings huge benefits for all Floridians. Since Florida has no state income tax, our residents are unable to take that deduction from their Federal tax liability like those in other states can. We changed that dynamic to allow this deduction. This is an issue of fairness and one that Congress must address and make permanent." Thanks, Ginny for all your hard work!

Rebuttal of Editorial

This is a rebuttal I submitted to the Hernando Today in response to Robert Nolte's editorial this morning.
Grandstanding, testy, unflappable, divisive, rambling, folly, arbitrarily, torpedo, legal liability and judicial jeopardy are just a few descriptions used by Mr. Robert Nolte, editor of the Hernando Today, when referring to the Hernando County Planning and Zoning Commission's review of the project titled, the Hickory Hill Comprehensive Plan Amendment CPAM 06-2, at their meeting on Monday, May 8th. While it was economically feasible for this editor to embellish his opinion on the volunteer members of the Planning & Zoning Commission to peddle his product, his editorial was not written with sound, honest facts relating to the comprehensive plan amendment process prescribed by Florida Statutes, Chapter 163 and the local Hernando County ordinance and policy. This editor appears to have a real lack of knowledge of responsibility given to the Hernando Planning and Zoning Commission by our County Commission, that is duly expressed by written ordinance and the Florida Statutes. The P & Z Commission acts in an official capacity in re-zoning applications as jurors in the quasi judicial process, as prescribed by the FL Statutes. In addition to these re-zonings procedures, the Planning & Zoning Commission has also been tasked by the County Commission with the review process of land use issues, such as comprehensive plan amendments, and issues relating to land use specified in the zoning ordinance. The review of comprehensive plan amendments, like that of the Hickory Hill Comprehensive Plan Amendment CPAM 06-2 on Monday's agenda, are given in-depth consideration by every member of the P & Z Commission. Hopefully, Mr. Nolte will take the opportunity to educate himself on the current comprehensive plan that was amended, and re-adopted on December 14, 2005 and became effective on February 17, 2006. This current comprehensive plan, adopted by our County Commission and reviewed by the Florida Department of Community Affairs, was a two year process of gathering facts throughout the county. This revision process of the Comprehensive Plan entailed many facets of the community which included a county-wide survey, 5 workshops throughout the county by the Hernando County Planning Department, along with a 7-month Evaluation and Appraisal Review (EAR) process. The 19-member EAR committee was comprised of community members, along with all the members of the Planning and Zoning Commission. The Hernando County Commission reviewed these procedures every step of the way by conducting workshops for public input. It would be suggested that before offering any further subjective opinions on the Planning & Zoning Commission, Mr. Nolte educate himself on the comprehensive plan amendment process prescribed by the Florida Statutes, plus review the newly adopted comprehensive plan, dated February 17, 2006, before assuming that amendments are somehow an entitlement process of any applicant at hand. Hopefully, Mr. Nolte will think before reaching into his bag of tricks for anymore derogatory adjectives to describe any Planning & Zoning Commissioners and do us all a favor by stopping by his local library to peruse the newly adopted comprehensive plan which has been overwhelming supported by the majority of the citizens of Hernando County.
Thank you for allowing me this opportunity to represent my point of view...Anna Liisa

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Sneak Preview

A sneak preview of coming events includes two very exciting projects being developed through the Hernando County Fine Arts Council. Their Special Events Committee has been hard at work planning several exciting events. Two of these events are titled, 'Swing at the Station" and "the Jazz Festival at Weeki Wachee". The "Swing at the Station" will take place during Heritage Days this October, with the "Jazz Festival" penciled in for March of next year. The "Swing" event will include a top rated swing band, playing at the old Railroad Station on Russell Street in downtown Brooksville. Other ideas are being floated for this Swing event is to have a street dance, an ice cream social, hot dogs, and hula-hoop contests, along with other children's games. This Swing at the Station will be a welcome edition to the jam-packed week of events already planned for the Heritage Day Celebration in Downtown Brooksville. As for the Jazz Festival, Mayor Robyn Anderson has already jumped on board to give her approval so the committee can begin planning this event, too. I will keep you updated as the plans progress with the special Events Committee. P.S. Don't forget the Annual Hernando County Fine Arts Festival at Tom Varn Park over the Memorial Day weekend. This festival is a very worthwhile way to spend the weekend, checking out all the beautiful artwork, entertainment, and yes, food. Best of all, it is free to the public!

Eminent Domain

Today, the Florida Senate passed a proposed Constitutional Amendment limiting the ability of local government to condemn private property for redevelopment. This amendment, HJR 1569, passed in the Senate by a 38-2 margin and was sent back to the House for some minor modifications. If approved by the voters, this bill would go into effect on January 2, 2007 and would put an immediate halt to any project currently under way, or even in the planning stages. Senator Jim King of Jacksonville was quoted as saying that private property is a God-given, by our forefathers, right. We will all look forward to this Constitutional Amendment appearing on the ballot this election year. Thanks to everyone in the Senate and the House for recognizing that eminent domain rules in the state of Florida needed to be strengthened after the US Supreme Court decision last year.

Special Election Validation

As promised, Representative David Russell has gotten the House to pass HB 1183 to validate the Hernando County School Board 1/2 cent sales referendum. This measure was on the 2004 General Election as a referendum but had not been advertised properly by the Hernando County School Board to be within the guidelines of the Florida Statutes. The bill reads as:
HB 1183 - Hernando County Special Election Validation
LOCAL BILL by Russell
Hernando County Special Election Validation: Validates all acts and proceedings had and taken in connection with the special election held in Hernando County on March 9, 2004, to authorize the levy of a discretionary sales surtax in Hernando County for the purpose of providing funds to finance the cost of new schools and equipment and improvements associated with such schools within the county; declares such special election legal and valid.
This HB 1183 is sure to breeze through the Senate and then onto the Governor's desk for his signature. The only thing left to free up over $6.3 million in sales tax funds for school construction is for a judge to give his stamp of approval for this procedure.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Rather Expensive Gift

The outgoing Florida House Speaker, Alan Bense received a rather expensive going away gift from his fellow House members last week. Mr. Bense was presented with the keys to a classic 1977 Corvette, valued at approximately $9,800.00. This corvette was purchased by the Republican Party of Florida from a car dealership in Tampa. A representative from the state Republican Party must have had second thoughts about the purchase made with party funds because they had attempted to have the check returned to them. When the car dealer refused to return their check, two House Republican's covered the expediture made by the RPOF with their own money. These two Representatives then took up a collection from other Florida House members at approximately $110.00 per person. The extravagant purchase of this Corvette for House Speaker Alan Bense seems rather odd since he is a multi-millionaire and could well afford to buy his own vehicle. It must be noted that Alan Bense is the same person being courted by the Republican Party of Florida to enter the race against Katherine Harris for U.S. Senate at the close of the Florida Legislative session on May 5, 2006. One would have to wonder if there is any connection that can be made with the purchase of this vehicle and the desire by the RPOF to have Alan Bense enter the race for U.S. Senate or is it just pure coincidence?

Please ask questions...

Yesterday, a story ran in the Hernando Times about a home buyer having problems with his building contractor. Apparently this home buyer is having difficulty getting his house completed, even after paying a considerable sum of money to the building contractor. Its not really necessary to mention the home buyer, or contractor, by name since this problem arises quite frequently within the construction industry. The typical scenario involves the home buyer paying money out in good faith for a product, and then rightfully expecting the general contractor to fulfill his agreement. A small handful of contractors get into trouble for many reasons which could range from just poor management, to over extending their business, taking on too much work, incompetence, or just plan fraud. Whatever the circumstances, many people get hurt when a building contractor defaults on a job from the home buyer, to the subcontractor, and the material suppliers. Hernando County Building Director, Grant Tolbert, was quoted in this article giving advice to the homeowners, or potential home buyers, to make sure a Partial Release of Lien is obtained before any money changes hands. This Partial Release ensures that the general contractor is paying the cost of the labor and material up front and this document will protect the buyer from having a lien placed on their property by a subcontractor or material supplier. All this information can be found in the Florida Statutes 713 on the construction lien process. FL Statute 713 is a "must read" for anyone using the services of a general contractor, electrical contractor, plumbing, contractor, a/c contractor, etc. to protect their investments. The link to this site can be found at:
Each time a property owner gets hurt by an unscrupulous general contractor, the subcontractor gets labeled the bad guy when liens are placed on property. Unfortunately, the subcontractor is only attempting to collect monies owed to them which have not been paid by the general contractor. It is the property owners responsibility to educate themselves on the construction process within the state of Florida, so please take a few minutes to read Florida Statute 713. Next time you use the services of a contractor, read all the documents from the Notice of commencement, the building permit, to the Notice to Owners, and ask questions if you do not understand the process. Any legitimate contractor should not be insulted by questions of the property owner. One last bit of advice, never, never, pay for all your work up front, demand partial release of liens for all money paid out and make sure your contractor is licensed, and insured, to do business within Hernando County.