Friday, May 12, 2006

Volunteer Recognition

Yesterday, the annual Volunteer Recognition Program took place at the Christ Lutheran Church on North Avenue in Brooksville to thank all the partners in public service for Hernando County. This program was coordinated by Brenda Frazier, with the assistance of Rick Foti and his crew, to assist the Hernando County Commission and staff in thanking the many volunteers that serve our county. Jen Holloway, of Bay News 9, gave a rousing speech about volunteering adding her own personal touch with comments about her own family. Certificates of Appreciation were presented by the county commissioners to volunteers that serve on all the advisory boards, committees, emergency management, library, county extension, volunteer fire departments and adopt-a-road programs. Some of the others recognized were the many volunteers that also serve in county offices throughout the county. Sheriff Nugent presented certificates of appreciation to the neighborhood crime watch groups. A very pretty, young woman named Lucy Werner sang several songs to the delight of the audience. Door prizes were given out as the event was winding down and then everyone was invited to refreshments served by the Christ Lutheran Church Men's Club. A special thanks needs to be extended to Reverend Drankwater for his hospitality. Most of all, though, Brenda Frazier and Rick Foti's crew deserve a round of applause from all (us) volunteers for making this event so successful again this year!

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