Monday, November 06, 2006

Rather odd amendment

The ad says, Vote Yes November 7th for these City of Brooksville Charter Amendments. This ad was paid for by the city of Brooksville taxpayer dollars and should send up red flags. Why is the city using tax funds to promote charter amendments by telling the voter how to cast their ballots? One amendment that will appear on the ballot tomorrow is amendment #2 which would allow a former elected official to work for the city. This seems rather innocent, or is it? Rumors have it that this amendment was written specifically for outgoing Mayor Joe Johnston who is term limited as a council member. It seems that the city's health insurance policy is the driving force behind this rather odd amendment. If Mr. Johnston leaves the city, so goes his insurance. Does the city really need to be making charter amendments designed for one individual? The Florida Supreme Court ruled a similar one person law unconstitutional with Terry's law, didn't they?

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