Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Well, it looks like business as usual at the Hernando Today with the new editor, Chris Wessel taking over for the retiring editor, with his staff endorsements for county commission this morning. To refresh your memory, the previous editor nearly ran this newspaper into the ground with his personal vendetta to attack everything, and everyone in county government. This previous editor was not content with writing the news, only making the news with his articles and editorials that reeked of half truths and innuendos to sell his "rag" on the street.
Let's all calm down and take a real deep breath to analyze the endorsements of Zydenbos and Adkins for county commission. We will take a analytical approach to understanding the spurious ramblings of this editorial staff for these, almost comical, endorsements of Adkins and Zydenbos.
Let's play a little word game with these endorsements.
Which candidate for county commission most comes to mind when you think of words like sub-prime mortgage failures, foreclosures and personal bankruptcy. If you guessed Jaz Zydenbos, please pat yourself on the back.
It is really amazing that Mr. Zydenbos is being offered as the best choice for county commissioner with his past failures in the business world. Mr. Zydenbos blamed his 2002 bankruptcy on the collapse of online businesses in the Hernando Times on August 10, 2008. Jaz Zydenbos stated that he recovered well and able to buy and invest. So in 2005, Mr. Zydenbos started a new career as a real estate agent and mortgage broker. Zydenbos now blames the Hernando County for out-of-control spending during the height of the building boom when soaring home values brought in a windfall of property tax money and this is where the words sub-prime failure and foreclosure should bring you back to reality for this morning's endorsements. These numerous failures for this candidate in the private sector certainly do not provide adequate qualifications to oversee our county budget. We, as citizens, do not need Mr. Jaz Zydenbos' ambition to be a county commissioner to become just "another failed business opportunity" for our community.
A few word hints about the other candidate include sleight of hand, talking out of both sides of his mouth, hypocrisy, lackey and boot-licker for the REC chairwoman and state republican committeeman for Hernando County. If you guessed Jim Adkins, please yell bingo right now.
As a former fire chief for the city of Brooksville, Mr. Jim Adkins certainly was not a penny pincher by any stretch of the imagination and that's where the terms sleight of hand, and talking our of both sides of his mouth, come into this discussion. James Adkins has a long history in Hernando County “with this spare no expense approach” in the name of fire departments. A large, unnecessary capital expenditure built by this former fire chief Adkins was Brooksville Fire House #2 at 600 S. Brooksville Avenue that now sits abandoned in the city DPW parking lot. Mr. Adkins is the same individual that stood silent in the atrium of the county building last year when the Hernando County Fire Rescue asked for, and received, as 28% fee increase and this is where the term sleight of hand term applies once again. You see, he boosted about his presence at the budget hearings last year with his "ax the tax" mantra while secretly promoting massive fee increases for the HCFR.
The textbook definition of lackey and boot-licker is a person who tries to please someone in order to gain a personal advantage which fits Mr. Adkins to a tee when it come to his association with the state republican committeeman and the REC chairwoman. While these two republican party representatives have been personally promoting their "puppet" for over four years with their actions and pocketbooks, Mr. Adkins has ingratiated himself with his menial tasks like a marionette dancing to the music.
It's time to end the era of "good-old-boy politics, as usual" in Hernando County by overwhelmingly rejecting these two negative candidates at the polls next Tuesday.


Anonymous said...

Perhaps it is time to rename your blog – something like “Vituperation Today” seems to fit. (Vituperation: abusive or venomous language used to express blame or censure or bitter deep-seated ill will -- in case your dictionary is not handy).

Your personal feelings about Tom Hogan and Ana Trinque aside, I would have thought that “A Positive Approach” might have been to make a point-by-point comparison of candidate qualifications, experience and platforms, as the newspaper you choose to characterize as a “rag” seems to have done.

For example, since you seem to feel that Mr. Zydenbos past business experience is so germane, why not make some comparisons with the other candidates in this regard. Perhaps Mr. Stabins, Mr. Burmann, or Mr. Robinson has some outstanding examples of business success that I am unaware of. Or perhaps it is more fun to, in your words, “play word games.”

I guess one nice thing about a blog is that it is entirely yours to do with as you wish. For my part I'd have hoped you would do a better job of using yours in concert with the name you chose for it.

JAZ Zydenbos said...

Mrs. Covell:
Your mean spiritedness and inability to smile is beyond compare. Your bitterness only further confounds your ability to be a leader. You know not what you do, and are forgiven, but not forgotten.

JAZ Zydenbos

alc said...

Anon: Frankly, if the Hernando Today would have done their job properly, instead of trying to
re-invent the news, the contents you read on my blog about Mr. Zydenbos' qualifications would have been published in their paper. Reporting news by omitting some facts has become very evident over the last several years for this newspaper.

Anonymous said...

Go Anna, Go Anna, Go Anna!!

alc said...

Mr. Zydenbos:
Thank you for your comments but I really don't need your forgiveness, nor want it and please, spare me with your line, "You know not what you do, and are forgiven, but not forgotten".

In case you have forgotten, this is a political competition, not a cake walk. You, sir, have made your share of vile, sarcastic remarks along the campaign trail that will not be forgotten, nor forgiven by many,many people in this community...

Anonymous said...

Somebody should really check Mr. Zydenbos's claims as a successful business person......his real estate sales history is less than remarkable and in fact is dismal. If the rest of his success is like that, it explains the bankruptcy.
And, as far as ugly comments; Mr Zydenbos has already planted his flag on the top of "In the Gutter" mountain!

Anonymous said...

Everyone should really look at the Civil side of the Hernando County Public Records and SHAME on the Hernando Today for not doing their homework. The JAZ man has two lawsuits AGAINST HIM THIS recently closed and one CURRENTLY GOING ON!!!!!! So not only does he job hop and he is a one issue candidate (just listen to his platform) but he is running for a job..What a joke.

Anonymous said...

Far too shrill...some good points but let go of the hate and people will take you more seriously. Educated people win behind the scenes...not by screeching from a rooftops.

alc said...

This has nothing to do with hate, only reality in the local republican party politics. Sometimes it takes someone to shout the truth from the roof top, as you put, to have everyone take a fast "reality check".