Thursday, June 12, 2008

Lost moment

The photo in this morning's Hernando Times of the crying mother, standing behind a fence, really says it all. As a mom, this photo really tore at my heart. I can't imagine the pain these parents felt last night after being locked out of their children's graduation ceremony at Hernando High. The administration of Hernando High needs to answer one fairly simple question which is, "why did you hand out approximately 1,800 tickets for this ceremony without having an adequate facility to hold the expected crowd?"
It doesn't matter how it was done in past years at Hernando High, this year was important to these graduates and their families. Lames excuses can never give back this lost moment for these parents. Shame on Principal Betty Harper for proceeding with this ceremony without finding a way to have all parents view the ceremony first hand!


Anonymous said...

Where were the problem solvers at the school. First mistake, somebody can't multiply. Second mistake, correct the first mistake by splitting the graduating class in two by alphabet. Problem solved on site.

alc said...

A long time ago, when the dinosaurs roamed, my high school graduating class was so large it was done in 3 shifts. The auditorium was used and all family members were able to attend. The fiasco that occurred last night at Hernando High is a disgrace to our community!

Anonymous said...

Harper is a failure. Welcome Mr. Pritz!!!

alc said...

Ken Pritz will be an excellant principal for Hernando High!