Monday, February 04, 2008


Yesterday, the Hernando Times ran an editorial opinion titled, "Wrongheaded remark warrants swift apology" which was in reference to Congresswoman Ginny Brown-Waite's office issuing a written statement referring to Puerto Rico and Guam as foreign citizens. This editorial has called for an apology and immediate clarification of her office's statement. The statement was made in reference President Bush's economic stimulus package that tax dollars for the people of Puerto Rico, Guam and Samoa that do not pay federal income taxes.
In the editorial, it stated that Charlie Keller had admitted the use of the term "foreign citizens" was inaccurate but also stated that he thought it was nitpicking by those who questioned it. I agree with Mr. Keller. This is selective nitpicking of our republican congresswoman. If a democrat had made a similiar statement in a press release it would have flown under the radar without even a whisper from the media.

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