Thursday, February 14, 2008

Free media

There has been a lot of speculation behind Mike Huckabee's real motive for sticking it out in a primary run where there seems to be no hope of becoming a winner. Maybe he is trying to sell more copies of his book, titled, Character Is the Issue: How People With Integrity Can Revolutionize America? Think of it this way, he is out on the campaign trail everyday, fresh in the mind of the public. Once he throws in the towel on his campaign, he would not have easy access to the media, that is, free media to promote himself or his book. At this point, what better way than to have a national book tour than under the guise of a campaign for Mike Huckabee?
Even though he was not my choice in the Primary Election, Mr. Huckabee should be commended for one simple reason. Mike Huckabee is not a quitter, causing disappoint to those who have voted for him, or will vote for him in the upcoming contests, like Rudy Guiliani and Mitt Romney. In the hearts and minds of the republicans out their watching this primary election unfold, integrity of the individual does count...

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