Friday, February 15, 2008

Free vehicle

The article "County bosses turn raises over the charities", in the Hernando Today underlined three of our county commissioners for their charitable giving in our community. The article featured a photo of Commissioner Rowden loading her vehicle with electric blankets for the elderly in our community while listing the non-profits of choice for Commissioner Stabins' and Kingsley's donations. Commissioner Russell stated in the article that he and his wife regularly give to charity and would continue to do so in the future. The most honest comment in the entire article was that of Commissioner Rocco who said, "I don't think anyone should be put into the position to say they have to donate a percentage (of their wages)".
It should be noted that the community-at-large gives thousands of dollars in charitable donations every year but rarely seeks acknowledgement for their generosity in the local media. When an occassional person from the community is highlighted for their generosity in the local media, they are very humbled by the attention showered on them.
It makes one wonder why this puff-piece glorifying the generosity of some county commissioners was in this morning's paper at all since it only equated to a free vehicle for them to pander to the public with our tax dollars...

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