Saturday, November 10, 2007

Dinner to honor employees

Last night, my husband and I attended a dinner to honor employees of the city of Brooksville at the American Legion, Post 99 on Ft Dade. It was a nice event to honor hardworking individuals that work at their city jobs, within various departments. Bubba Perkins, the commander of the American Legion Post put on a roast beef feast and a unique dessert prior to the evening's presentations.
Ed Baker of the American Legion was the master of ceremonies for the presentation of the awards. All city departments were recognized and the department directors gave out the awards. Sgt. Maeder was the proud recipient of the award from the Brooksville Police Department. Pat Jobe had tears in her eyes as Bill Geiger presented her award from the Planning Department. Robert Brown was given the honor by his department director of Public Works, Emory Pierce and Audrey Williamson was the proud winner from the Parks Department.
At the end of the presentations, Ed Baker discussed the veterans parade and asked my husband, Tony, to escort me to the stage. I was humbled by the beautiful plague from the American Legion Post that recognized my dedication to veterans in our community. My husband and the American Legion had kept this secret from me so I was really stunned by the award. After shedding a few tears, I gave Ed a big hug and kiss and thanked everyone for their kind words...


Anonymous said...

Just for clarification, Augrey Williams from Parks and Lindsay Morgan from Administration.

alc said...

Thanks for the information...these people do a superior job for the city of Brooksville!