Sunday, September 02, 2007

Everyone jumping on board...

This morning, the Hernando Today gave their opinion on the announced resignation by Gary Kuhl, Hernando County administrator. The local radio talk show also buzzed last week with their opinions of this impending departure of Mr. Kuhl. The Hernando Times even put their 2 cents on the subject. I have reserved my opinion because I believe Mr. Gary Kuhl's reason to leave Hernando County is personal, and only his closest friends and family with ever know for sure why he has made this choice. I personally think Mr. Kuhl has done a very good job under very difficult circumstances with the current climate in Hernando County.
This morning, the editorial in the Hernando Today outlined their opinion about Mr. Kuhl's departure. This editorial relieved anyone from blame for the county administrator's decision. They went out of their way to twist an already convoluted editorial into a fairytale that relieved the Government Gone Wild series, the local talk radio, and their newspaper for the continued negative climate in this community and placed all the blame on Commissioner Diane Rowden and Commissioner Stabins. This editorial eluded to "confidants" that spoke with Gary Adams, our former administrator, to say he would never trust the commissioners again. I would like to ask the editorial staff just who were these confidants of Gary Adams? Another innuendo in this editorial related to "their" understanding that Gary Kuhl was so hurt by the SHFR vote that he was prepared to turn in a letter of resignation. Where is the letter, Mr. Editor? The national media outlets have several names for this type of spin journalism, by using terms like tabloid journalism and drive-by media.
Vince Vanni was quoted this morning in Hernando Times as saying, "We cannot change the atmosphere in our community, it is what it is". Although Mr. Vanni is certainly entitled to his opinion of this county, I do not share his belief that we cannot change the atmosphere of Hernando County.
Mr. Vanni's outlook only gives rise to the doom and gloom atmosphere that has permeated our county over the last several years. I came to Hernando County 17 years ago because it is a great county, filled with wonderful people. My opinion has not changed about our community.
If someone wants to point the finger of blame on what is wrong with our county government, then look no further than the nearest mirror. Every citizen in Hernando County is at fault for the many vacancies left administration office over the last ten years,
from the naysayers, to those people fat and happy, lying in the middle of the road. We have heard a roar from the naysayers over the last few months with groups like the Government Gone Wild organization and Lower Hernando Taxes. While these groups bring many valid points to the table they do not speak for everyone in our county. The deafening roar has really come from the silent majority. The silent majority needs to stand up now and be counted among the naysayers. This silent majority needs to say enough is enough with the negativity and its high time we put our best foot forward as county.
To have a great community it takes everyone jumping on board to promote a healthy atmosphere that we all can be proud of in Hernando County. We all need to step up to the plate and say what can I do to help improve our county!


Anonymous said...

I hope you sent this piece to the newspaper. People need to remember Rowden is only ONE vote. Like the days of Pat Novy, according to the press she was the cause of all problems. Personally I don't think Mr. Kuhl had the back-bone and thick skin needed for the job. He wanted to be everyone's friend, compromised and wouldn't make tough calls or decisions. The spin the press tried to put on his departure is way off base. Remember, he was never in for the long-term.

Anonymous said...

The Hernando Today editorial was pathetic. We lost a good man, in part, because of their relentless personal attacks on a good man. They aggressively attacked Kuhl, putting "fat cat" cartoons on the front page along with his picture and salary. The man had only been there since 2006!!! He was not the man to attack for the County's ills. Much of my family once worked for the Tampa Tribune, but the Today is a pitiful, desperate rag, which should be shut down and rebranded, with new staff, as the "Hernando Tribune", as is the case in Pasco. I think Rowden is a terrible commissioner, from her inability to undestand growth management law to her backstabbing behavior on the dais, but the Hernando Today broke the camel's back when it came to Gary Kuhl. They cost Hernando County a great public servant in the process.

Jason Brazinski said...

Although my opinions differ on a fairly regular basis, I can't help but to compliment your ability to write clearly and concisely what your opinion is and why you feel that way. I wish Mike Grab had the same ability, because I can't seem to follow his response to your editorial (which I agree with 100%) at all. He seems to criticize your call for positivity, then goes on to talk about how great Spring Hill is. Is he writing just to write?