Monday, October 23, 2006

Kitchen table politics...

Last year, the Honorable Steven Rushing was appointed by Governor Jeb Bush to serve as a judge for circuit court. When Judge Rushing was sworn into office he became ineligible to participate in any partisan events, clubs, or political party activities by Florida State Statutes. Shortly after his appointment, Judge Rushing's wife, Mia, emerged on the local political scene, throwing herself into activities like the Nature Coast Federated Republican Women's organization and fund raising for Republican candidates. Mrs. Rushing has a guest column in the Hernando Today to occasionally to voice her opinion on what she perceives as political facts. Mia Rushing's articles clearly outline her right wing conservative point of view. Keeping in the spirit of the family, Timothy Rushing, the offspring of Mr. and Mrs. Rushing, is now a political cartoonist for the Hernando Today. Timothy cartoons have been what one would call equal opportunity cartoons, with arrows being flung to both sides of the isle. For example, his cartoons have attacked Rose Rocco, Democratic candidate for county commission, as well as sitting Republican county commissioner, Jeff Stabins. Ms. Rocco was portrayed as a puppet of Diane Rowden and as a unveiled rat in another cartoon. Timothy Rushing's cartoons have advocated the over throw Jeff Stabins several times. In fact, the cartoon in yesterday's paper depicted the demise of Jeff Stabins in the 2008 election. It will be interesting to see if these ominous caricatures of local political figures by Timothy Rushing include his father, Stephen, when he runs for re-election. Tip O'Neal coined the phrase that all politics are local which has proved to be true in many ways. Local politics usually begin in the home, and this is how the phrase "kitchen table politics" was labeled during the Clinton administration. Keeping it all in the family with the non-partisan judge, the political activist, and the equal opportunity political cartoonist. What a wonderful country we live in where someone can have his cake, and eat it too!