Friday, October 13, 2006

Deranged individual

This afternoon I was privy to some very disturbing information about a candidate forum that took place last night at the Beverly Hills Civic Association in Citrus County. Congresswoman Ginny Brown Waite was invited to speak at this forum, along with her democratic opponent, John Russell. Apparently they were scheduled to speak last due to their earlier commitment at the Hernando County Chamber of Commerce forum. It seems that John Russell lost total control of himself during this forum in Citrus County and began yelling at the audience. Mr. Russell's bad behavior included the intentional berating of a mother of a soldier currently serving in Iraq. Apparently he took this opportunity to yell at her, using the microphone to increase the rage in his voice. As if this behavior wasn't despicable enough, Mr. Russell also took the opportunity to flip off some members of the audience. Mr. Russell was so out of control that he would not relinquish the floor when his allotted time was up. Greg Hamilton, the Citrus Times Editor of Editorials was seen shaking his head in his hands at the unbelievable behavior of this candidate. At the conclusion of Congresswoman Ginny Brown Waite's presentation, the majority of the audience got up and walked out while Mr. Russell continued his tirade at the remaining members of the audience. One brave individual in a wheelchair went directly to the stage to confront this deranged individual at the conclusion of the event. It is a sad day when our democratic process is subjected to a candidate with such low moral fiber. Do we really need an individual like this representing us in Congress for the 5th district of Florida? I think not...

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