Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Everyone was wondering...

Commissioner Stabins should be commended for keeping his composure while discussing the use of the old hospital as storage space at yesterday's BCC meeting. Several citizens came to the podium to voice their concerns on the issue of the old hospital that is costing taxpayers $70K a month in expenses and security costs. The department heads were quite informative and receptive to the idea of using this building as storage. Each of them discussed the pros and cons while explaining what was necessary to make the change of use for the building. The one person that seemed to be dragging her feet was Flo Boles, the risk management officer. Her presentation appeared to be very defensive while explaining what the insurance company could not do, instead of looking for positives solutions for Commissioner Stabins proposal. Grant Tolbert clearly explained state building regulations, and then detailed the steps necessary to make Mr. Stabins plan work. Pat Fagan gave a brief presentation on his search for storage space for the supervisor of election's voting equipment currently housed at the old DPW site. Mr. Fagan outlined the problems he was having due to the guidelines set up by Annie Williams. Apparently, Ms. Williams has decided she wants to be close to the courthouse to make it convenient for her, even though lease rates go for approximately $15.00 a square foot in downtown Brooksville. Ms. Williams indicated to Mr. Fagan that she wants additional working space for her employees plus necessary storage space. It now appears Ms. Williams has stayed at the old DPW site by her own choice, contrary to the newspaper account that she was forced to remain there, even though she had a lease offer for a 3,500 foot facility at the airport industrial complex priced at $8.00 a square foot. It would be nice to know if the parks department has been reimbursed by the supervisor of elections office for their exhaustive search for rental property for Ms. Williams. After the meeting, everyone was wondering just why the county's insurance company would cover the condemned building at the DPW site used by Annie Williams for storage but would not cover the hospital building. Thank you, Commissioner Stabins, for listening to the citizens on the hospital issue...


Anonymous said...

I heard the insurance lady say they only shopped for insurance every two years. I may be wrong, but the county has had the same insurance rep, Brown & Brown for years and years. Do they really bid it out through the normal process? I would hope if they won't insure the bldg, then they will find a company that will insure it. I agree with Mr. Stabins that we should find a use for that building.

alc said...

Yes, Mr. Stabins is on the right track to use this building, if nothing more than to show the taxpayers we are getting something for the $70K a month spend on upkeep and security. Its time to have a can-do attitude for this hospital building, instead of negative scenarios for what cannot happen...