Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Dog & Pony show

Below is an email that I just sent to the Hernando County Commissioners in reference to the 25% increase this year for Hernando county Fire Rescue. Incidentally, they voted 5-0 to approve this rate increase by HCFR, including the annual 5.5% increases every year there after without any oversight by the Hernando County Commissioners. So much for waiting for the consultant's report to analyze the best method to provide countywide fire service. Maybe we should ask the consultant for a refund of his $100,000 fee since the county commissioners did not wait for the final report. This sort of reminds me of the consultant the commisssioners hired to study the old Brooksville hospital. The commissioners could not wait for that report, either, and virtually gave away 10+ acres of prime real estate in downtown Brooksville for a pittance...I hate to say I told you so but it looks like the Hernando County Commissioners are playing a shell game, saying they will lower our taxes. It looks like any real reductions we may have seen will be offset by "fees, fees, fees"...
While I do not want to stop the voice of the HCFR employees, I find this "stacking of the deck" at this public hearing by fireman an insult to the public. We pay their fees & paychecks...Big ones, I may add:

Hernando County Fire Rescue's beginning salary for firefighters is over $3,000.00 higher that the starting salaries in Citrus County, Polk County, Pasco County and Port Richey. In fact, HCFR is just $1,500.00 less that the starting salary of firefighters in the City of Tampa, complements of the Mercer study.

HCFR has not accounted for the 12 surplus vehicles...

5.5% automatic inflationary rate every year without oversight by the taxpayers. When did the inflationary rate for citizens on fixed incomes exceed 3%?

How do you explain the 12 under-used vehicles, a $92k salary for the chief who has no degree, a 22 minute average response in Nobleton? BTW, our first responders in Nobleton are Tri-County Volunteer Fire. We subsidize HCFR as a second response unit.

HCFR fire service $194.00
HCFR EMS $59.00
Dog & Pony show by HCFR -Priceless

What happened to us waiting for the countywide study currently being done by the $100,000 paid consultant?????

Anna Liisa Covell
Nobleton, Florida

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