Thursday, July 12, 2007

Bring it on...

Several years ago, Commissioner Stabins wrote to the newspaper and used the quote, "Bring it On!" I don't remember what topic of his editorial rebuttal was but that slogan could have been used again this morning on Judge Merritt. I'm referring to the article in the Hernando Times about Chief Circuit Judge Daniel Merritt ordering Hernando judges to recuse themselves from hearing civil cases involving our county.
Judge Merritt said his order was not meant to put pressure on the county commissioners to provide funding for new judicial space but did not give any reason for imposing the order in the first place. This sure appears to be a
tactic to force our county commissioners to spend money they do not have on a new judicial complex. In this era of tax reduction for the citizens, imposed by the Florida Legislature, everyone in local government needs to hold the line when it comes to the budget including Judge Merritt.
Commissioner Stabins was quoted in this morning's article as saying, "If the judges want to order us to put a new tax on the ballot for them, I'd be more than happy to let the voters decide if they want to pay for the new judicial complex." I will say it for Mr. Stabins, "Bring it on!" Let the voters decide by referendum if we want to a new multi-million dollar judicial center and place it on the Presidential Preference Ballot right next to the one by the Florida Legislature that will provide for the largest tax cut in this state's history!
The entire state of Florida is undergoing a process of tax reduction to the citizens, including here at home in Hernando County. Judge Merritt needs to just suck it up, so to speak, like everyone else is in government. His order to have Hernando judges recuse themselves from all cases involving the county appears to read like the classic Webster definition of misfeasance: the doing of a lawful act in an improper manner so that there is an infringement on the rights of another or others. If it isn't misfeasance, it is a complete failure to do what his duties require to be done equating to nonfeasance.
Hernando County Commission Chairman, Jeff Stabins needs to be commended for standing up to these type transparent intimidation tactics being used by our local judges!

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