Saturday, March 10, 2007

Keep your fingers crossed

Ye of little faith! It sure looks like our freshman representation to the Florida Legislature has hit the running on issues near, and dear, to our hearts, and pocketbooks. As vice chairman of the Committee on State Affairs, Robert Schenck has been able to craft legislation to ease the burden of property taxes throughout the state.
Robert Schenck's bill could reduce Hernando County millage from 9.3 to 6.7 which is a 28% cut of roughly $25 million in savings the first year. This legislation would also limit annual budget increases by county governments to the consumer price index. This means county governments would have to start living within their means just like you and I do when we balance our household budgets.
When presented with the loss of local revenue to Hernando County this bill would create, Representative Schenck was quoted as saying, "If I could vote for it twice, I would." Keep your fingers crossed that this bill passes muster all the way through the House and the Senate to Governor Crist's desk!

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