Friday, March 02, 2007

Furry friends

Good News! It looks like we may be able to bring our pets to all the Hernando County government buildings when we attend meetings in the near future. Why would I make such a statement? Well, Commissioner Stabins attended a county planning workshop at the Utility Department last month with his dog, Rusty. You may recall the workshop where everyone got sick including Mr. Stabins' dog. This week, the Hernando County Resource Director, Barbara DuPree attended a meeting with the Spring Hill Fire Commission with her dog. It appears that the "no animals allowed" policy has been relaxed with the upper management and elected officials of Hernando County government. If this is the case, it should not be long before our pets are free to roam the hallowed halls of the many government buildings throughout the county
The current signage at county buildings prohibits any animals except approved "service animals" but says nothing about allowing pets of county employees. I'll let you know when the signage changes to include our pets so you, too, can attend meetings with your favorite furry friend. I can hardly wait to bring my dog named Bear to public meetings. He's really lovable and only weighs about 150 pounds so he would only take up one seat at a public meeting!


Anonymous said...

Ms. Duprees dog, a golden retriever by the name of "Bear", is a service dog in training. The dog is only temorparily in her custody until it's old enough to start it's new life helping a blind person. Ms Dupree needs to remember to leave the dogs training "backback?" on so people will know this....

alc said...

If Ms. DuPree had the dog training pack on the dog, no questions would have been raised concerning admittance to government facilites since all "service animals" are permitted. Ms. Dupree should be commended for taking the time & effort to assist in the training of a service animal...