Thursday, December 07, 2006

Smooth transition

Monday night, three new members of the Brooksville City council were sworn into office. Lara Bradburn is the freshman of the newly seated city council members, with Richard Lewis and Joe Bernardini being considered veterans for their previous tenure on the board. Congratulations go out to David Pugh, Jr. who was elected the new mayor and to Frankie Burnett as vice mayor. It appears that Ms. Bradburn did not let any grass grow under her feet with her in-depth questioning of most items on their agenda. Several in the audience mentioned the term micro-managing in reference to Councilwoman Bradburn. Yes, Ms. Bradburn does her homework, as well she should being a newspaper reporter by profession, but micro-managing should not be tagged on her after just one meeting. Will she expect complete answers to her questions? Knowing Lara, the answer is yes. Will she micro-managing the staff? That is yet to be determined but she deserves a chance to become comfortable in her position as councilwoman before any hushed rumors are generated from the staff. Mayor David Pugh has his work cut out for him in the coming year. Many items will pass over his desk in the next several months, from legal problems relating to city annexations, to a pending performance review of city manager, Richard Anderson. It appears that it is truly a new day for the city of Brooksville. Our anticipation for a smooth transition for the city council runs high in the community. Good luck to everyone!

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