Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Times Have Changed

Ethical, good, correct, fitting, honest, honorable, principally, and upright were descriptions once used for our elected officials and leaders in our community. Times have changed radically and so have the morals of many who serve us locally in the public capacity. Arrogant, rude, self-serving, dishonest could be the replacement words of yester-year. Just think about it, we have a commissioner that thinks nothing of having his spouse employed by a lobbyist for a local developer; another commissioner conducting tutoring in his Hernando County office while pocketing a personal paycheck from the school board, a commissioner that thinks nothing of collecting thousands of dollars for her re-election campaign from developers and their lobbyist, a commissioner-candidate that filled his campaign coffers with state lobbyist money; and the best one yet is the tattle-tale commissioner that uses every opportunity to squeal on his associates to glorify himself. Does any of this make you wonder why most people are completely turned off by local politics in Hernando County. Yahoo, the good old boy/girl network is alive and well, right here in our hometown!

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