Thursday, July 27, 2006

A new day dawning?

Is a new day dawning on the horizon in Hernando County or is this just turning out to be another typically weird year, politically speaking, that is? Just think about it for a minute. A county commissioner resigned his position early to run for a Florida House seat. Another state representative is running for county commission. A sitting county commissioner changed her political party midstream into the term and is now running under the new banner of republican. Another candidate changed party affiliation and is running for county commission as a democrat. Democrats are attending republican fundraising events. The strangest one yet is the news that a well, established republican women's club, turned political action committee, is extending invitations to interview republicans and democrats, alike, before the Primary Election. This musical chair routine really looks like the game of Mr. Potato Head we played as children. You remember, switch the heads or faces and the body remains the same. What is in store for us next? Maybe Jeff Webb of the Hernando Times was correct when he stated it was time to have non-partisan county commissioners. If it isn't time for a change by the Florida Legislature for non-partisan county commissioner elections, then maybe they could humor us here in Hernando County by changing the date of our General Election this year. October 31st would be a more suitable date which just happens to be Halloween!

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