Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Mercer Study

I received this email in reference to the recent Mercer study for Hernando County Government employees pay and wage scale evaluation on Sunday. The name of the letter writer has been deleted to protect the identity of the individual. I will write more on this current Mercer Study later in the week but I think this letter clearly states the perspective of a Hernando County employee. See below:

I read in the paper today about the Mercer Study and possible 7% raises for some employees. As a county employee I won’t say anything publicly. But, I wish someone would ask to publicly look at the Top and Middle Management's Mercer results. It would surprise them that many of their pay ranges were increased, some even 2-3 pay grades. The only reason is to open the upper end of their pay scale and tell John Q. Taxpayer that these top level employeess are low on their pay scale. On the other hand, the worker bees, I'm talking about the guys in the parks and trenches find that their pay grades mainly remain constant. There is iniquity. I don't understand why someone making $30-50+ dollars an hour has to have more from our tax dollars.

Also, HR has a new sick/vacation plan, combining the sick and vacation time into one, PTO. The HR Director has notoriously told exempt personnel that they can come in for an hour or so, and if they get sick, can go home and because they're exempt, they don't have to use sick leave hours for that time. (That may be true for private corporations, however, it's not the case for taxpayer coffers} So, many of the top employees therefore have large amounts of time on the books, because they are not using it. I don't mean to sound like ALL mid-level and upper management misuse their time, but there are those that do. According to the new policy, employees may now sell back up to 80 PTO hours annually at 80% of their pay. So, those exempt employees who have been told they don't have to use their time for doctor appointments, manicures, hair cuts, etc. are elated to get an extra 80 hours pay at 80% of their hourly rate in their pockets.

HR is professing that the new policy will eliminate misuse of sick time, however you may see that management may be the biggest culprit in misuse of sick time. The little guy uses his sick time for doctor appointments, blood work or whatever. The employees are losing about 32 hours a year by combining the vacation and sick time, and many are upset..

I don't feel it's my place, as an employee to speak up and cause dissent. But an outsider, looking in, like yourself, certainly can bring some questions to the forefront, if you so desire to do so. Just please keep my name out of it, if you will.

(Signature deleted by request of writer)

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