Sunday, July 16, 2006

Right-wing arrogance

I would like to suggest Senator Mike Fasano read an excellent book written by former New Jersey Governor, Christine Todd Whitman, titled "It's My Party, Too". Her book delivers straight-talk that calls for moderates everywhere to oppose right-wing arrogance, and re-establish a rational center that has been eradicated in recent years within the GOP. Her book is viewed by many as vital reading for those fed up with the extremism that plaques our politics of today. After reading this book, Mr. Fasano needs to remember that he represents a large contingent of Republicans, as an elected Senator in the state of Florida. His letter to candidate Tom Gallagher to drop out of the race for governor, signed by ten GOP lawmakers, does not represent the founding principals applied by our forefathers when forming this republic we call the United States of America. The state of Florida has a closed Primary Election process that allows the voters of the two major parties the ability to choose their candidates for the General Election. No where in Florida's Constitution does it state that a letter by a handful of arrogant supporters of one candidate has the ability to ask the other candidate to bow out of a race before the voters have had the opportunity to participate in the election process. Senator Fasano should take heed to this quote by President Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1956 that stated, in part, "Our party detests the technique of pitting group against group for cheap political advantage. Republicans view as a central principal of conduct, E pluribus unum, Out of many--one." Governor Whitman's book is relatively inexpensive in paperback, and is a must read for all of us that still believe that the Republican Party is that of the Big Umbrella.


Anonymous said...

I read Whitmans' book: "It's My Party Too." To continue that theme you might want to read David Brock's "Blinded By the Right." Or "the Price of Loyalty" By Ron Suskin and former Treasury Sec. Paul O'Neill. Or "What's the Matter With Kansas" by Thomas Frank. Or "Conservatives Without Conscious," by John Dean. And Worse Than Watergate" by John Dean. All were written by Republicans who are dismayed at the direction their party has gone. What you learn in Chistine Todd-Whitman's book is just the tip of the iceberg! Kudos for having an open spirit and looking beyond the spin.

alc said...

Thanks for the kudos. As soon as I finish reading, "Stand for Something" by John Kasich I will research some of the titles you suggested.

Anonymous said...

Cool. I also went online and read the reviews for "Stand for Something." It sounds like he has a reasonable discourse, but having recently read "What's the matter With Kansas" which details the rise of the 'values movement' in middle American, his ideas seem to parallel to those he depicts in his book. His being on FOX news also raises some credibility issues. Let me know what you think about what you have read so far. Also, why does he express "horror" over "Roots" and the movie Fargo?