Thursday, January 29, 2009


State Farm announced that their homeowner, and property insurance lines, are pulling out of the state of Florida and all Gov. Charlie Crist could say was good-riddance???
Hello, has anyone been paying attention to this issue? State Farm lost their bid to increase property insurance rates almost 50% with state regulator's so they decided it would be more cost-efficient for them to pull out of Florida. Governor Crist's response should have been good-ridden to all lines of insurance at State Farm. The Florida Legislature and the Governor should make it mandatory that insurance carriers offer all their lines of coverage or be barred from the state.
It will only be a matter of time before the only property insurance carrier left in Florida will be Citizen's Insurance. When that happens, no one in this state will have a choice of carriers. We will be stuck with a socialist system, having to buy our insurance from the state of Florida. What happened to the free market economy?
Did you forget about your campaign promise to fix the home owner's insurance in Florida, Charlie? Maybe everyone that has had their insurance canceled might say good-riddance to you on your next election!

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