Friday, July 11, 2008

$200.00 fee

A classic case of government out of control was printed in an article titled "Fireworks display raises question" this morning's edition Hernando Today. Its rather ironic that Commissioner Kingsley is being criticized for exhibiting common sense for telling Mr. James Nico to proceed with their fireworks display at their church function on 4th of July to celebrate America's birthday. This fireworks display consisted of sparklers and bottle rockets, not pyrotechnics that needs professional supervision.
Apparently this matter has been turned over to supervisors in the Hernando County Development Department to verify whether an ordinance has been violated by Mr. Nico's church group. Seems to me the only thing that upset the Development Department was their inability to collect the $200.00 fee from Mr. Nico so his church could celebrate the 4th of July.
When did it become illegal for anyone to light sparklers and bottle rockets in celebration of birth of our Nation? Remember, these are the same
sparklers and bottle rockets that are sold under the big tents in supermarket parking lots by the permission of our county government.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The permission is to engage in temporary retail sales...what they sell is regulated by state law and NOT expressly permitted by the county.

I'm sure this topic will be revisited soon, but it's important to remember that when it comes to regulating the sale and use of fireworks, your elected legislators have taken away much of the county's home rule power.