Monday, June 18, 2007

Name recognition alone...

Bless Commissioner Jeff Stabins heart! Mr. Stabins said we need a sponsor for Hernando County Government's tax woes, like Coca Cola or Wal Mart. He estimates that $10 to $12 million "cuts" will be necessary to make up for the state's property tax package.
Just a few loose ends need to be cleared up before the county marches out into the corporate world looking for sponsorship for the county. What criteria will be used to choose a corporate sponsor and who will be in charge of negotiating the deal?
Maybe we could have a contest, with the winner being chosen from by citizens. Would the winning sponsor be chosen from the highest bidder or on name recognition alone?
Just imagine if the World Wrestling Federation were chosen as the county sponsor. We could blend this corporate sponsor's slogan into the framework of our county government with a snappy phrase like, "The World Wrestling Federation proudly sponsors Hernando County Government where politics are locally known as a contact sport!"
If you are not excited with a sports aspect, possibly an over the counter medication, with national name recognition, is more to your liking for county sponsorship. This slogan should ease everyone's mind, "Preparation H proudly presents the Board of County Commissioners, where they hope to sooth and cool your approach to local government."
The possibilities are endless for corporate sponsorship and so are the outlandish slogans. Do we really need to sell our county to the highest corporate sponsor when the answer is sitting right in the commissioner's backyard?
One suggestion to save $4 million right now would be to freeze all expenditures for new county vehicles for one year. Try dusting off a copy of the 2002-03 budget to refresh your memories of how it was before the county was flush with all this "new money" from the building boom, commissioners...

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