Saturday, April 21, 2007

Honor his contract

This should be under the heading, "You're not going to believe this one" with the Brooksville city attorney citing provisions of the city charter for reneging on the contract with Chief Tincher. Its ironic that the city charter is now being dusted off after being blatantly violated numerous times since January 8, 2007, and the city attorney is grasping for a legal maneuvers to violate the rights of Chief Tincher once again. Incidentally, this same contract provision under the city charter was discussed about a month ago at a city council meeting.
Do you remember when city council member Richard Lewis questioned the interim city manager, and the city attorney, about the lack of a written contract for Mr. James Farley? This is the same James Farley that conducted the outside investigation of Chief Tincher. The city attorney stated in this public meeting that Mr. Farley did not need a written contract under the provisions of the city charter. Imagine that, the city paid Mr. Farley approximately $11,000 without a contract and now the city attorney is screaming foul when it comes to paying Chief Tincher with a fully executed the legal document.
Chief Tincher and his family have been through enough mental anquish and the city of Brooksville needs to step up to the plate and honor his contract now.