Friday, August 28, 2009


Republican candidate for county commission, Wayne Dukes sent out a letter blasting Commissioner Rose Rocco several weeks ago. This letter not only blasts Rocco but it also attempts to tarnish the reputation of a local businessman that served on the host committee for her fundraiser earlier in the month.
Not only is the information in this letter factually incorrect, it borders on outright slander of several individuals in this community. Dukes has gone on to run his gator on the local talk radio station, and just about anyone that will listen to his blabbering nonsense, making his unsubstantiated accusations. He has even suggested that Rose Rocco took kick-backs when she voted for the Hickory Hill project in 2008. Nothing could be farther from the truth but the talking heads continue to spread ugly rumors about Rocco. Shame on them for spreading malicious gossip!
Politics are politics but this one really takes the cake. Wayne Dukes was a sore loser when he ran in 2004 as a Democrat. He was equally as nasty when he lost in 2006 as a Republican. What is he going to change his party to when he loses this time? He's quickly running out of options...


lisa.gski said...

I just can't wait till Ole Rosie runs out of party options too!

Shame on you for berating someone who is entitled to their own opinion! FREE SPEECH!! (you use it, why can't we??)

alc said...

There is a fine line between free speech and a blatant lie; I believe this circumstance fits that category...

lisa.gski said...

key words: "I believe"
You are entitled to your opinion.

alc said...

Yes, it is my opinion & thank you for yours on the issue.

Anonymous said...

Wayne Dukes has his moments of truth, but he cannot keep his composure under pressure. He blows up very easily when confronted. Charm school or a self actualization dip into EST or Mind Spring might help Wayne Dukes, but he has a likeabilty challenge, whereas Rose Rocco is approachable, frank, composed and admired. Wayne can be very good with facts, but he lacks feeling in his delivery. He just can't sell himself and that is why he has been and is still unelectable. It's not like we Republicans have not tried to advise him, he just doesn't listen. Dukes further limited his opportunities for support from within his own party by bashing Rocco Republican supporters. Rose is everywhere, whether it be the garden club or a ribbon cutting, she is there for the people of Hernando County with never a negative word about anyone, including Mr. Dukes.

alc said...

This is a real accurate snapshot of Mr. Dukes & Rose Rocco. Thanks for your input on the subject.