Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Outling directives...

Many plans exist in Hernando County Government. The Comprehensive Plan. The Capital Improvement Plan. The Facility Maintenance Plan. So why isn't there a plan that outlines the directives of the county administrator's departmental restructuring initiatives?
At the Hernando County Commission meeting on August 25, Administrator David Hamilton will be asking for permission to combine the deputy administrator position with the finance director's job. Shouldn't the administrator be submitting a complete departmental restructuring plan for review by the county commissioners?
In the corporate world, successful business enterprises operate with structured business plans. Plans that are submitted to their board of directors by their chief executive officers. Why should the county government be any different?
The public has a right to know what our government will look like in the future. To date, we have only be given incremental pieces of information concerning these restructuring plans, without having any clear vision by the county administrator.
Hernando County employees deserve to know how their future is being planned by Hamilton. They should have been treated with a little more transparency about this restructuring plan; maybe it would have prevented the rush last week to sign up for a buy out to protect themselves.
How can any county commissioners make an educated decision about this incremental job restructuring without Hamilton submitting a complete plan on how our government will operate in the future?

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