Friday, August 14, 2009

A good kick-off

Guests were greeted with cool glasses of Sangria as they mingled at the poolside decorated with sombreros and maracas. The sultry evening air was pleasantly confortable as everyone chatted with the guest of honor.
This fun-filled event was a fundraiser for Commissioner Rose Rocco's re-election campaign at the residence of Tommy and Connie Bronson. The Mexican motive carried into their home with a banquet of food to please the numerous guests in attendance to support Rocco. Their generous support will be a good kick-off for her campaign.
Rocco's friends, wide-ranging in personal opinion and political persuasion, had one thing in common, a positive outlook for Hernando County's future. In the relaxed setting of his home, Bronson said he was supporting Rose for re-election because she was was his friend as he introduced her to the crowd. He went onto say Rose has a real compassion for doing the right thing as commissioner.
During her chat with the guests, Rocco emphasized the need for Hernando County to have a positive outlook, even in light of the economic problems everyone faces in this county. At the conclusion of her presentation, Rose thanked her hosts, the Bronson's, and all the guests in attendance for their support.

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