Wednesday, November 05, 2008


Did you hear it last night? Did you hear the echo behind the roar of Obama supporters in Chicago? This echo was the slamming of doors across this Nation. This deafening roar that could only be heard by the business community. Obama's promise of an almost 4% tax increase on business has caused a ripple effect of fear for our country. The backbone of our economy is small business and we are just waiting for the other shoe to drop.
After two long years of Obama ripping our country to shreds, politically, economically and racially, he proclaimed in his speech last night that we are the "United States" of America. Mr. Obama cannot just snap his fingers to heal the deep wounds he created by his racially charged campaign. Unfortunately, Mr. Obama never learned Dr. Martin Luther King's message of hope that people should not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.
Yesterday, Fox News Network reported an incident on the divided, racial climate created by the Obama campaign. It was reported that white voters were being intimidated at the doors of one polling place in Philadelphia by two Black Panther members. This YouTube video should send shivers up the spine of any American.
The fear that is being felt this morning throughout this country stems from the racial divide created by this man, Obama.


Anonymous said...

Boy I guess that Obama could help that he is a black man, the mere fact that you would insult the people of the United States by narrowing it down to the fact that people were intimidated by blacks shows your own racism. The American people have spoken loud and clear, and it is obvious that the majority of the people did not look at the color of Obama's but his ability to lead this county. Why don't you come out of the mindset of the pass and join the rest of your fellow citzens in overcoming racial barriers and uniting our country? By the way I think that it is very sad that you all mentioned everyone else from the election but did not mention anything about James Yants, it is time for Hernando County to come out of pass and into the now!!!

alc said...

Frankly, you do not have a clue about who I supported in this election. In fact, I was very disturbed that Frankie Burnett was not re-elected as councilman. And in case you were interested, I don't look at him as a black man. I look at him as an individual that has supported the entire city with his actions, and his words...

Your overwhelmly blindness to the Obama campaign tactics in this election clearly illustrates your stupidity. No one could question his campaign, his background, his associates, or even his pastor in this campaign, without being labeled a racist. Obama's gag order on the First Amendment was pushed with labels for his critics, as racists.

You ought to be ashamed that our country has stooped to this type of censure while standing behind the mask of political correctness.
Labeling people with titles to push a liberal, socialist agenda is straight out of the Marxist handbook!

"From each according to his ability, to each according to his need" is the definition of Obama's spreading the wealth comments. This theory is straight from Karl Marx. The Obama campaign targeted a reporter for WFTV in Orlando for asking the same type of questions.

This "we all must come together" went out the window when democrats attacked the Reagan/Bush year's during the Clinton's term. Is Obama, Pelosi and Reid going to blame Bush for their shortcomings for next four years?

This country is in sad shape & it became that way at the hands of the Democrats since the Johnson administration creating a "Bread & Circus" mindset. The same type of "Bread & Circus" attitude that caused the fall of the Romen Empire.

Anonymous said...

How intelligent. You blast Barack Obama for shreading this country on race, and then immediately report to us about a couple of extremist Black Panthers causing trouble at a polling place, as if they somehow were a part of the Obama campaign. It is simple-minded people like you that have led this country to where we are today. I am a Republican. I have voted for Republican Presidents in every election. This year, I voted for Barack Obama. The disgusting fearmongering of both Fox News and people such as yourself will assure that this country may never return to the ideals that I once held high. I am disgusted by your comments and by my Republican Party. I am proud of the outcome from this election and proud that I chose not to align myself with the hatred that people such as yourself have espoused. You should be ashamed of yourself.

alc said...

You should pat yourself on the back. Your vote for Obama has started this country down a slippery-slope to socialism.

You should have educated yourself a little on the background of the candidate you chose for president. Yes, the Black Panthers intimidating white voters in Phillie were Obama supporters. Their words, not mine!

Anonymous said...

Why is it so hard for you to call him (or write) Senator Barack Obama? You will soon be calling him President Barack Obama because he has been elected the 44th President of the United States of America. He will carry that title forever whether you like it or not.

alc said...

Obama is the right choice of words for this Chicago thug!

Anonymous said...

Again, he is YOUR president for the next four years.