Well, it looks like nothing has changed in the seedy side of local politics with the underworld activity of a few political party members. Complaints have gone unnoticed for years from candidates that have attempted to run legitimate campaigns in the republican party, only to be bushwhacked by party insiders at every turn before the Primary Election. It looks like this year is no different than any other year.
This afternoon, the following email was forwarded to my attention, concerning several county commission candidates. Nothing would be out of the ordinary with the information except that the email was sent by the chairwoman of the Hernando County Republican Executive Committee. One can only imagine how many emails went out at the hands of this individual.
I have pasted this email below, in part, so you could see for yourself the dirty tricks campaign that is being waged behind the scenes to smear viable candidates by the local party chairwoman, with the assistance of the Hernando County Taxpayers Alliance's founder:
To: ;
Subject: Fw: Taxpayers Alliance News To You!Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2008 09:56:28 -0400
-----Original Message-----
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, July 21, 2008 9:12 PM
Subject: Taxpayers Alliance News To You!
Hernando County News: The local realtors association in Hernando County has endorsed for County Commission Jeff Stabins (incumbent) and John Druzbick (recently off the School Board). Do you believe it? Apparently the association believes that these people have represented the realtors well and want more of the same. If you are a realtor, would you please let me know what you think of these endorsements? If you are in agreement with these folks I sure would like to know the arguments. Perhaps I'm not seeing the whole picture. It is the Alliance's intention to remove, if we can, each of the current county commissioners running this year and not to replace them with candidates that are just like the ones we are replacing.
Hernando County News: The local realtors association in Hernando County has endorsed for County Commission Jeff Stabins (incumbent) and John Druzbick (recently off the School Board). Do you believe it? Apparently the association believes that these people have represented the realtors well and want more of the same. If you are a realtor, would you please let me know what you think of these endorsements? If you are in agreement with these folks I sure would like to know the arguments. Perhaps I'm not seeing the whole picture. It is the Alliance's intention to remove, if we can, each of the current county commissioners running this year and not to replace them with candidates that are just like the ones we are replacing.
I changed my party affiliation today from NPA to Republican in order to be able to influence the primary election. So, if you want to vote in the primary and make a difference in the commission race you must be registered as a party member by the 28th of July. Remember the most important race is the primary. If there's no one good to vote for in the general election, it'll be our own fault. Independents and NPA's cannot vote for Republicans or Democrats in primary races. You can only vote for non-partisan seats, Judges etc. Let me know if you need clarification.
Let's save our county and our State.
Together we can do it.
--Linda Hayward
Let's save our county and our State.
Together we can do it.
--Linda Hayward
Paid political advertisement paid for by Hernando County Taxpayers Alliance
8172 Shaw Road Brooksville, Florida 34602
Approved by Hernando County Taxpayers Alliance
Does the Hernando County Taxpayers Alliance have the right to promote their positions? You bet they do, but this should not happen at the hands of the chairwoman of the Hernando County Republican Executive Committee. All republicans in the Primary Election should have an equal chance at winning the vote. This equal chance should come without a dirty tricks campaign being waged by several republican party insiders...
How disingegous!!! You conveniently left out the part where the Taxpayers Alliance endorsed Kingsley. The tone of the e-mail blast was asking why would the realtors endose LIBERAL SPENDING INCUMBENTS not the question of endorsing REPUBLICANS!!! Your ruse is pathetic!!! Trying to twist the story to suit your needs is even more pathetic. I feel sorry for you.
Thank you for your comments but your information is way off base. Mr. Kingsley was not, I repeat, not endorsed by the Taxpayers Alliance.
The Hernando County Realtors Association endorsements were done after thorough, interview process of each candidate, which were fair and above board, unlike the "so-called endorsements" of the Taxpayers Alliance which were the opinion of one person, without any interviews taking place.
This blog is centered around mainstream conservative view points. If you want a skewed opinion of the world, I suggest you read the New York Times or tune into CNN for a more liberal slant to suit your needs.
I am sorry...In my haste I erroneously forgot to type "the Taxpayers Alliance forwarded and questioned the REALTORS endorsement of Kingsley" in which you "convienently" left out of your ruse. This is what I am referring to. My bad.
You are purposely twisting the "message" by the Alliance to blast fellow Republicans. This was not the intent.
As far as your blog...where is the conservative message? Our greatest president ever, Ronald Reagan, asked for all in the party to "not speak ill of a fellow Republican", yet you cannot pass up on the chance to trash the people in your own party which brings the party down. You are part of the problem, not the solution.
You are just bitter.
Obviously you didn't read my message well enough; it was meant to illustrate how the HCREC chairwoman is "blasting" good republicans before the primary election, with the intention of getting "her candidates of choice" elected. BTW: THIS IS A VIOLATION OF THE BYLAWS OF THE RPOF...
A daily barrage of verbal attacks has been leveled at John Druzbick & Jeff Stabins for months on local talk radio from what you classify as "good republicans". It seems to me this is what is wrong with the local republican party. It has been run so long, by the same people, they have run out of new & improved ideas for our community.
And please, stop with Reagan's
11th Commandment; individuals like you only use this "commandment" when it suits your personal purpose to promote your hateful agenda. I will continue to put the focus your "hate-filled" agenda so good republicans can once again flourish in this county.
Have I illustrated the very obvious inconsistency in this primary election? You bet I have & I intend to continue to point out any, & all, violations.
For instance, try this one on for size: The state republican committeeman has openly campaigned for 3 county commission candidates & has directly opposed any opposition to "his candidates of choice". In fact, Mr. Healis, Mr. Druzbick & Mr. Stabins have been treated like dirt from the chairwoman & state committeman of HCREC; the HCREC chairwoman & state committeeman are attempting to sway the opinion of over 148,000 registered republicans in Hernando County, like only their opinion counts! BTW: THIS, TOO, IS A VIOLATION OF THE RPOF BYLAWS...
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