The Board of Hernando County Commissioners will begin discussion on the 2008-09 budget tomorrow morning. One item on their morning agenda deals with the proposed reduction in impact fees which is scheduled for a 10 a.m. public hearing. No matter how you feel about impact fees, you will have to admit the local economy needs a jumpstart to put people back to work in Hernando County. No one knows for sure if impact fee reductions is the appropriate vehicle to achieve an outcome to get people back to work in this county but 4 out of the 5 commissioners should be given credit for holding this public hearing.
Numerous ideas are being tossed about to achieve results to stimulate our local economy. In fact, Commissioner Stabins has been working diligently on an alternate method that may be a better advantage for the citizens of Hernando County. It is good to hear that most of our commissioners are working in a positive fashion to critically evaluate our local economic crisis in this county.
One commissioner has chosen to act in a rogue fashion to fill the county commission chambers with individuals in a quasi-political rally for re-election to oppose this reduction of impact fee reductions. Below is an email campaign letter from Diane Rowden, detailing her intentions at tomorrow's impact fee public hearing that was sent out via email and her campaign blog:
Subject: Impact fee reduction
Dear ,
The Hernando County Commission will be meeting on July 15, 2008 to discuss the reduction of impact fees.
Board of County Commission Chambers
20 North Main St.
County Commission Meeting
When: July 15, 2008 @10:00am
If you're concerned about the future of our county, please come to the meeting and let your voice be heard. We already know the builders and developers will be at the meeting in full force pushing their agenda for a reduction in impact fees.
This reduction in impact fees has only one effect: it increases the profits of the builders and developers.
The negative impact on our county would be substantial. It sacrifices our future and our infrastructure for builders and developers who have no long-term investment in our county.
The only way to offset such a reduction in impact fees is raise taxes! This puts the burden squarely and solely on Hernando County taxpayers while allowing the builders and developers to walk away.
In the final analysis, there is no need for their greed!
I urge you to come out on July 15, 2008 and let your voice be heard.
Diane Rowden
Hernando County Commission District 3
10350 Fulton Avenue
Brooksville, FL 34613
(352) 573-4178
Political Advertisement Paid for and Approved by Diane Rowden, Democrat, County Commission, District 3
The taxpayers would like to see some creative results of our commissioners not this political grandstanding for re-election by Diane Rowden.
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