Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Slick used car salesman

Has anyone heard the latest campaign ad from Barrack Obama? If we hadn't heard enough out of this plagiarist, we now have to endure Obama's cheap imitation of America's greatest conservative President who was Ronald Reagan. Obama is attempting to coin the phrase of "shining beacon on a hill" as his own in this campaign ad and it rolls off his tongue like a slick used car salesman.
President Ronald Reagan's farewell address to our Nation emphasized "American is a shining city upon a hill whose beacon light guides freedom-loving people everywhere". President Reagan spoke of the "Shining City" his entire political life, emphasizing his image of our Nation as a tall, proud city built on rocks stronger that oceans, windswept, God-blessed and teeming with people living in harmony. As a Christian, Ronald Reagan freely spoke of the origin of "shining beacon on hill" which was from John Winthrop's (governor of Massachusetts Bay colony in 1630) book "A Modell of Christian Charity". President Reagan fondly quoted Winthrop's book that spoke of the "city on the hill with, eyes of all people upon us" throughout his entire political career.
Try really listening to the words that roll off the lips of Obama and you will understand that this individual is nothing more than a pre-wrapped, plagarist package being marketed by the liberal media...

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