Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Call the bluff

Who is that guy, the mild-mannered individual with the personality of Clark Kent but the intestinal fortitude of Superman? Why, this super hero is our new county administrator, David Hamilton. All joking aside, Mr. Hamilton deserves our praise, based on the sneak preview of his proposed budget on Tuesday.
Although I don't agree with all aspects of his proposed budget, Mr. Hamilton deserves a big atta-boy for taking the bull by the horns, so to speak, to present a plan to restructure our county government. Many past administrators, and commissioners, alike, have talked the talk but failed to walk the walk when it came to this type of leadership.
Even though David Hamilton does not have the legal authority over the constitutional officers budget, he should get a gold medal for suggesting our county streamline services to reduce expenses paid by taxpayer dollars. Sadly, Sheriff Nugent doesn't seem to agree with Mr. Hamilton's 21st century approach to financial management.
Sheriff Nugent was quoted as saying, "He (David Hamilton) needs to dwell in the house he has responsibility over and we're not his fix." David Hamilton is justified in attempting to "change the culture of the operation" since Sheriff's Nugent's budget constitutes at least one-third of the General Fund dollars that he is responsible to present to our county commissioners.
It's time that all constitutional officers set aside their egos and step up to the plate to assist Mr. Hamilton in his streamlining process for our county. Saving dollars for items like technical services and human resource services should be considered a must for the taxpayers footing the bill. Governments share services on inter-local agreements so why can't the constitutional officers do the same with the county administrator?
David Hamilton has made a good start within his purview just by judging his proposed budget. Now maybe its time he calls the bluff of the constitutional officers to hold their budgets within the scope of our financial needs in this county. Yes, the constitutional officers can petition the Governor but how far do you think that will get them in this slow economy?
So, Mr. Hamilton, put on your cape and save our metropolis since the constitutional officers do not have Kryptonite in their arsenals after all.


Anonymous said...

Excellent analogy. Nugent's arrogance is noted, especially since his budget constitutes 1/3 of the General Fund. Cooperation is needed by all constitutional officers in this time. I agree, Hamilton should call their bluff. Too bad most don't have viable opponents in the upcoming election. While on the subject of budgets, Hamilton needs to curtail the " (family) vacation" travels to various seminars. Many of these needed CEU's can be obtained on-line. Enough perks, cut it off.

alc said...

In my opinion, CEU's should be paid for, in full, by the county employees. If they want to continue their employment, they will find the way to pay for their own educational requirements. I just paid hundreds of dollars for my CEU's (to retain my license) and personally resent having to pay for someone else with my tax dollars.