As Gomer Pyle used to say, Surprise, Surprise, Surprise! Looks like the Hernando Today got scooped with a real news article by the Hernando Times while focusing on their stories being fed to them by the local civic activist about the Hernando County legal department. Yes, the Hernando Times hit a home run this morning with their headline article about the newest blogger in town, assistant county attorney, Kent Weissinger. Both, Barbara Behrendt and Shirl Kennedy, should get the employee of the week award from the Hernando Times for their investigative journalism.
Mr. Garth Collar was quoted in this article, calling Mr. Weissinger's ethics "A-List" and to that I will add he's a very nice person, too.
Mr. Weissinger indicated that his blog was an alternative to the "two dead-tree media sources" in the Times article. Although I do not agree with Mr. Weissinger's analogy of the two local media sources, I will say that their "tanker loads of ink" are drying slightly on the rural highway, as the internet super-highway provides a more main stream approach to instant information.
"Welcome to the Blogoshere, Mr. Weissinger!"
1 comment:
Thank you for the welcome, Ms. Covell. If you visit my site, I think you'll see it more for a NEWS site, a la the Drudge Report, than a blog. I do not feel I am in a position to comment on the substance of the stories I link to, but rather hoped to be a little snarky about editorial decisions and reporting. However, now that my "cover" is blown (the domain registration was always public info, as I point out in the 6/11 link to the Times story), I will have to be more circumspect.
I understand that people are concerned about the very minimal use of work internet for occasional news site browsing. As my boss would tell you, the priority is getting the work done on time, and most of my assignments are done well ahead of schedule. However, there will be no more non-work browsing...I guess if I need a few minutes of break, I will just have to do something else and get away from that infernal information superhighway.
The last comments on this issue that you will see on my site are in the 6/12 links edition at
By the way, I have linked to you once and hope to do so again in the future.
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