Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Bravo, John Druzbick!

John Druzbick hit a home run at the Hernando County Commission this morning with an incentive package to put our community back to work. Mr. Druzbick's presentation laid out the current job market crisis in our county, relating it back to the local business industry. On-going commercial projects in our county are being performed by contractors from out of county and state. These contractors buy all their materials out of county, bring in their labor force, and actively push local contractors out of the market.
John Druzbick's economic incentive package is simple. Temporary impact fee credits should be given to property owners who exclusively use local contractors for their projects. These impact fee credits would entice property owners to hire locally to put our work force back to work. Local contractors will hire locally. People will spend money locally. Businesses will benefit locally. This incentive package will impact everyone in our community from the grocery stores, to the gas stations, to realtors, to the local movie theaters.
"Bravo, John Druzbick, Bravo!"
Hernando County government is already seeing the negative effects of this job crisis in our county by collection of lower sales taxes, lost jobs and home foreclosures. This economic incentive package of Mr. Druzbick's will put people back to work. With this incentive package, local businesses will buy material locally which generates the lion's share of sales tax revenue for Hernando County government. This sales tax revenue is a portion of the General Fund necessary to operate government.
The St. Petersburg Times ran a lead article on Sunday morning outlining the job crisis in Hernando County and Mr. Druzbick has created the solution necessary "to re-ignite our local economy". Now all he has to do is convince the county commissioners that his economic stimulus package will be the jump start our community needs to put it back on the right track for a rewarding future.
What a brilliant plan, John Druzbick!

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