Sunday, June 22, 2008

House radio address

What a coo for our congresswoman! Ginny Brown-Waite was privileged to deliver the House Republicans' weekly radio address for her firm stance on relaxing the rules on offshore drilling to help all of us. See below:
Rep. Ginny Brown-Waite of Brooksville is delivering the House Republicans' weekly radio address, and she uses the air time to call for more oil and gas exploration. The party's presidential candidate, John McCain, this week called for lifting the moratorium on drilling off the coast of Florida and most other states, which Gov. Charlie Crist and many other Republicans quickly supported.Here's a snippet: "Watching gas prices rise from $2.32 a gallon in January 2007 to $4.08 this week, I am firmly convinced that Americans today face a new hostage crisis. Instead of a 1970s style OPEC embargo, however, American families and the United States economy are being held hostage by a Democrat Congress that refuses to explore for more oil and natural gas. Sadly out of step with the wishes of the American public, the majority does not get it; two new polls this week show that a clear majority of the American people wants to explore for oil, but Democrats have so far said nothing but No, No, No."The House Republican Conference weekly radio address is sent out to hundreds of radio stations and other media outlets nationwide.

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