Thursday, April 03, 2008

Truth in advertising

"Candidate admits mistake" or so says the subtitle for the article about Jaz Zydenbos' campaign finance reporting to the Supervisor of Elections office. Apparently, Mr. Zydenbos did not report expenditures for some professional-looking campaign flyers that he distributed at Christmas party during the last quarter reporting period which was required by the SOE's office.
Mr. Zydenbos stated in the newspaper article that he believed the flyers were for in-kind contributions and not hard cash donations. He went on to say that he was not aware of the requirement to include in-kind contributions on campaign finance reports and pushed the blame on novice of his campaign treasurer.
Commissioner David Russell said he didn't believe this would justify a state investigation because candidates sometime forget about campaign expenditures. "These things happen and that why candidates have to ability to file amended returns should an oversight occur", stated David Russell. This is a very logical explanation from Mr. Russell but the circumstances of Mr. Zybendos reporting does not seem to fit into this parameter.
Why did these campaign flyers of Mr. Zybendos's have a disclosure statement saying this political advertising paid for and approved by Jaz Zybendos, candidate for Hernando County Commission, district 1 when he stated in the Hernando Today that these flyer's were in-kind contributions, not produced by cash donations or hard money. If these flyers were, indeed, in-kind contributions then his flyer disclosure statement would have to reflect that verbiage to be correct for the filing requirements at the SOE's office.
Somehow Mr. Zybendos' truth-in-advertising got lost in his explanation...
***Yesterday, I contacted the SOE's office in regards to the questions on Mr. Zybendos' filing requirements which were raised in the Hernando Today. This is the response, in part, that I recieved by email from the SOE's office concerning my questions:
This morning Mr. Zydenbos filed an amendment to his Q4 report (cover period October 1, 2007 - December 31, 2007). This report does show an in-kind contribution for post cards.

I have left a message for Mr. Zydenbos to call me regarding the article Mike Bates (Hernando Today) wrote, however, I have not heard back from him yet. I did speak to his treasurer (Teri Lyons). She said he will provide a written statement to the SOE office explaining why the "original" flyers had the incorrect disclaimer (as reported by the Hernando Today). The statement will also explain that the "second run/re-run" of the flyer has been "corrected" to show the right disclaimer.


Anonymous said...

I thinks it takes an honest person to admit their mistakes and openly apologize for it. I have met Jaz and he strikes me as a true gentleman. I certainly believe that this oversight demonstrates his novice in the political game. Also a little competition never hurt anyone.

alc said...

I'm sure Mr. Zybendos is a very nice person but this mistake only serves to emphasize the problems faced by candidates in every election season. Some candidates do not read the documents provided by the SOE's office which include all the rules and requlations for conducting campaigns.

Yes, mistakes happen but the candidate is ultimately responsible because
they are required to sign an
oath to the SOE pledging they understand all the regulations before them...

JAZ Zydenbos said...


Thanks for including me in your blog.

I'm just a hard working guy that believes in the American dream and what brought me to Florida in the first place: An easier and more affordable way of life. A place where I could retire in warmth. A place where my daughters and their family would call home. But the Hernando County I knew only a few years ago is gone. Running for political office especially County Commissioner in of itself is somewhat insane! Citizens clearly see that change is needed in Hernando County government and the need for government to serve the public and not the converse. But few are willing to jump into the arena for the very reasons contained in the past two stories in the Hernando Today newspaper. I made an administrative mistake, have explained the reasons, and have moved on.

Somehow the pain to me is worth the possibility of restoring our economy that has the highest rate of unemployment in Florida and establishing a kinder and more citizen focused government. One who runs for office is just a shade crazy for wanting to do so. By the way, I still enjoy listening to Patsy Cline. Let's dance sometime and I'll shave real close.

JAZ Zydenbos
Candidate for County Commissioner
District 1, Republican

alc said...

Mr. Zydenbos,
No one knows better than I what the rigors a campaign can have on an individual. Anyone that runs for office should be thanked by the public for their efforts.

Having said that, following the rules set forth in the FL statutes is fundamental for all candidates, including you. The public expects & should receive complete transparency from all candidates, especially on financial matters.

I'm sure your comment at the end was meant to be humorous but I will decline your offer to dance real close and say no thanks, as I reserve all my dancing for my husband.

BTW-my name is
Anna Liisa, not Anna

Anonymous said...

JAZ will not get my vote! Ignorance is not an excuse.

I don't like his showing of no respect to you, with the last part of his comment. Makes one think about his thoughts on marriage and hitting on other mens wives. What a dirtbag.