Monday, April 14, 2008

Bring a flag

I received this message by email last week and thought I would pass it along:

Approximately 80 of our brave Army Air National Guard members are leaving for 12 months in Iraq next Friday, April 18. We're asking people to come to Anderson Snow Park to form a human "Thank You" on the field, that they will see as they fly over when they leave.

Here are the details:
Be there by 8 am
Wear a red shirt (
Bring your flag to wave, if you have one. If you don't have one, there's plenty of time to get one! Try Wal-mart in the stationery section.

Dee Mills, Gold Star Mom and founder of Lea's Prayers and Postage is planning to get there early to place a chalk line on the field so we'll know where to stand. So come and just look for the people. You might want to bring a camera!

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