Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Shallow concern

"Have you ever heard of a term called defensive attribution?" The textbook definition of this term is having a self-serving bias that occurs when people attribute their success to internal or personal factors but attribute their failures to situational factors beyond their control. This term could easily be applied to some individuals in our community who have cried foul due to the collapse of the housing industry which has created a ripple effect on local economy. These individuals have refused to accept any blame for their own actions in the real estate market during the building boom which has resulted in super-inflated property values and record foreclosures, choosing instead to condemn the government for their woes.
Hernando Times guest column this morning by Blaise Ingoglia is a classic example of this "defensive attribution." Mr. Ingoglia's comment stating "we must unite the community and bridge the divide between us and government" while outlining his negative perception of local officials underscores his shallow concern for our community. This statement alone would make one wonder if he has become delusional with his own perceived notoriety during his Government Gone Wild series last year. It appears that Mr. Ingoglia views himself as the "anointed one" who has been literally chosen to speak for the masses in our community. It should be noted to the promoter of this Government Gone Wild series that even though some people consider him to be a 'true' prophet, he is simultaneously considered to be a 'false' prophet by the majority in our county.
It appears that Mr. Blaise Ingoglia is using scheme to obtain, and gain, political power by appealing to the masses in our community, preying on their emotions with unrealistic fears, which are meant distort the truth for the average citizen. His demagoguery during this shaky economy should be be questioned by any rational person. We have an economy that is hinging on recession, a recession that has come at the hands of the collapse of the nationwide real estate market, and the avalanche of foreclosures caused by sub-prime mortgage failure.
The underlying question that should be posed to Mr. Blaise Ingoglia is, "Why didn't you stand up and shout "Hoo-rah" when the Hernando County Commission passed the largest Ad Valorem reduction in our county's history during last year's budget hearings instead of blaming them for your own personal woes.


Anonymous said...


What are you talking about the State Mandated the cut. The Commissioners cried about it and it helped no one significantly because it didn't cut enough. You cry about HCFR asking for more money but tout this great reduction. You can't have it both ways but being a liberal that you are it's par for the course.

Anonymous said...

you said: "he is simultaneously considered to be a 'false' prophet by the majority in our county."

Has there been a poll conducted that allowed you to arrive at this conclusion?

you said: "Hoo-rah" when the Hernando County Commission passed the largest Ad Valorem reduction..."

What part of reducing Ad Valorem NOT equating to an actual cut in taxes paid do you fail to understand?

Ingoglia has done a credible job of waking up the folks to the wasteful spending of government and guess what, government doesn't like for the folks to be informed. It inhibits their ability to continue the unnecessary expansion of their empire at the expense of the folks paying the freight.

Look at it this way Ms Covell. Take you private business and branch out into areas just for the sake of doing so, buy all the equipment and hire personnel to take care of all of this and then increase your prices charged to cover it all.

How long would you stay in business? Not long.

Goverment just increases the taxes to cover anything and everything they decide to do and the folks are fed up with it.

The folks are waking up and it's about time!

alc said...

Anon #1: The state mandate had a provision for local government to opt out of this regulation with a super-majority vote but they (BCC) chose to reduce the budget over 1.4674 mil which was a record tax reduction for Hernando County.

HCFR has had increases each year since 2001 and, again, raised our fire rates 25% last year. Did I speak out about it? You bet I did but what puzzles me was, "Where was your man, Jim Adkins, the Ax the Tax guru?"

I'll refresh your memory in the event you have forgotten. Mr. Adkins was standing in the atrium of the Govt. center rubbing elbows with the HCFR firemen, hoping for their support of his campaign, instead of speaking out on behalf of the citizens on this massive fee increase by HCFR administration.

Kind of gives the term hypocrite a brand new meaning, doesn't it Alan?

alc said...

Anon #2:
The fact is Ad Valorem rose dramatically on homes sales, due, in part, to the hyper-inflated prices imposed by realtors, mortgage brokers and house flippers. No one questioned the motives of these realtors, home builders and mortgage brokers during their peak sales period of 2002 to 2005 in our supply and demand based economy, nor should they question these basic principals.

Hernando County citizens have seen the Ad Valorem reduced for 11 continuous years. This year another $9.2 million in reductions will be made by local government.

The problem everyone is having with the Govt. Gone Wild approach now is they have taken no responsibility for their own actions and are crying foul on the footstep of the government, expecting the rest of us to pick of the pieces they created in this down slow economy...

Anonymous said...

still waiting for my taxes to go down.......