Friday, April 18, 2008


The Hernando County Taxpayers Alliance announced that their group is throwing its support behind Jim Adkins, Hernando County Commission candidate, district 5 for the Primary Election in August. Our answer to that should be, so what!

This endorsement of the Hernando County Taxpayer Alliance appears to be the sole recommendation of the founding member of this organization, Linda Hayward. Are we expected to be impressed by her political recommendation? Hopefully, no one has been fooled by this sideshow that has been dressed up to resemble a legitimate endorsement.

It is ironic that the founder of this organization who demands transparency to hold public officials accountable is now acting as a political committee named Hernando County Taxpayers Alliance. This organization is listed with the Hernando County Supervisors of Elections office as an active political committee and it appears they do not think the rules apply to them. To date, this organization has yet to file any required financial disclosure forms with the SOE’s office to list monetary arrangements for their recent bus trips to Tallahassee or for the design of their web page which has been active since 2007.

Transparency cannot exist as a on-way street in our society. The rules that exist for public disclosure should be strictly enforced to prevent a facade that could be used to create a 'false-front' to intentionally fool the public.

Each year, local campaign committees undertake dirty tricks to get a competitive edge on their opponents. This current, superficial endorsement of Mr. Adkins appears to be just another feeble, gimmick similar to the one used in his 2004 campaign. You may remember the phone banks run out of REC headquarters which gave the illusion that Mr. Adkins had endorsement of the entire executive committee when, in fact, that was not the case.

Here we go again, all sizzle and no substance, for this endorsed candidate who professes tax relief but owns no real property in Hernando County.


Anonymous said...

You make untrue statements about the REC and Mr. Adkins which hopefully will comeback to show you are such a negative person. P.S If the REC is such a terrible group why are you wanting to become a member again. Funny how you won't post my comment or address this issue.

Anonymous said...

Hernando County "A Positive Approach"????????

Hmmm, did we take our Hillary pills when we wrote this one?

Your not even running against Mr. Atkins this time. Get over it and how about pulling the claws in on Ms Hayward. She and her supporters are the "Positive Approach" that has been needed in the county.

You'e a bright lady Ms Covell, but sometimes your emotions get in the way of what is usually clear thinking. Solve that and maybe you, too, could become a county commish.

alc said...

The SOE's office has been quite helpful in gathering research data, so stay tuned for a future post on my blog...

alc said...

Your opinion is in the minority, and contrary to the overwhelming support I have rec'd by phone & in person on this issue but thank you for taking the time to comment.