Friday, August 28, 2009


Republican candidate for county commission, Wayne Dukes sent out a letter blasting Commissioner Rose Rocco several weeks ago. This letter not only blasts Rocco but it also attempts to tarnish the reputation of a local businessman that served on the host committee for her fundraiser earlier in the month.
Not only is the information in this letter factually incorrect, it borders on outright slander of several individuals in this community. Dukes has gone on to run his gator on the local talk radio station, and just about anyone that will listen to his blabbering nonsense, making his unsubstantiated accusations. He has even suggested that Rose Rocco took kick-backs when she voted for the Hickory Hill project in 2008. Nothing could be farther from the truth but the talking heads continue to spread ugly rumors about Rocco. Shame on them for spreading malicious gossip!
Politics are politics but this one really takes the cake. Wayne Dukes was a sore loser when he ran in 2004 as a Democrat. He was equally as nasty when he lost in 2006 as a Republican. What is he going to change his party to when he loses this time? He's quickly running out of options...

Monday, August 17, 2009

Rocky start...

This week has really gotten off to a rocky start for some Republican Party officials.
Dan DeWitt, of the Hernando Times, wrote a feature article about
Hernando County Republican Executive Committee's chairman, Blaise Ingoglia. His story was titled "Blaise Ingoglia used deceptive sales tactics, burned real estate investors say." If you haven't read it, here is the link:
The cast of characters in DeWitt's article included Ingoglia, Rep. Robert Schenck, and Art and Ana Trinque. As you may recall, Ana Trinque is the former chairwoman of the HCREC. Her and her husband are still precinct committee members with the REC. The
Novo Group mentioned in the article is owned by Rep. Schenck and employees the Trinques.
William Kingeter, another employee of the Novo Group, will be facing charges before the Florida Elections Commission on Wednesday, August 19 at 10 a.m. Kingeter is a candidate for Hernando County Commission, district 2 race for the 2010 Republican Primary.
He was served with a Notice Of Probable Cause by the election's commission for possible violations of the Florida Elections Code.
A rocky start to the beginning of a bumpy week for some Republicans...

Friday, August 14, 2009

A good kick-off

Guests were greeted with cool glasses of Sangria as they mingled at the poolside decorated with sombreros and maracas. The sultry evening air was pleasantly confortable as everyone chatted with the guest of honor.
This fun-filled event was a fundraiser for Commissioner Rose Rocco's re-election campaign at the residence of Tommy and Connie Bronson. The Mexican motive carried into their home with a banquet of food to please the numerous guests in attendance to support Rocco. Their generous support will be a good kick-off for her campaign.
Rocco's friends, wide-ranging in personal opinion and political persuasion, had one thing in common, a positive outlook for Hernando County's future. In the relaxed setting of his home, Bronson said he was supporting Rose for re-election because she was was his friend as he introduced her to the crowd. He went onto say Rose has a real compassion for doing the right thing as commissioner.
During her chat with the guests, Rocco emphasized the need for Hernando County to have a positive outlook, even in light of the economic problems everyone faces in this county. At the conclusion of her presentation, Rose thanked her hosts, the Bronson's, and all the guests in attendance for their support.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Outling directives...

Many plans exist in Hernando County Government. The Comprehensive Plan. The Capital Improvement Plan. The Facility Maintenance Plan. So why isn't there a plan that outlines the directives of the county administrator's departmental restructuring initiatives?
At the Hernando County Commission meeting on August 25, Administrator David Hamilton will be asking for permission to combine the deputy administrator position with the finance director's job. Shouldn't the administrator be submitting a complete departmental restructuring plan for review by the county commissioners?
In the corporate world, successful business enterprises operate with structured business plans. Plans that are submitted to their board of directors by their chief executive officers. Why should the county government be any different?
The public has a right to know what our government will look like in the future. To date, we have only be given incremental pieces of information concerning these restructuring plans, without having any clear vision by the county administrator.
Hernando County employees deserve to know how their future is being planned by Hamilton. They should have been treated with a little more transparency about this restructuring plan; maybe it would have prevented the rush last week to sign up for a buy out to protect themselves.
How can any county commissioners make an educated decision about this incremental job restructuring without Hamilton submitting a complete plan on how our government will operate in the future?

2009 Veterans Appreciation Parade

Mark your calender for this year's 2009 Veterans Appreciation Parade. We hit the ground running and we are off to a good start for this event which is scheduled for November 14 in downtown Brooksville.
Operation P.R.I.D.E. has generously agreed to be this year's parade sponsor. Their executive director Greg Myers said they will cover all the costs to underwrite the necessary liability insurance required by the city of Brooksville.
PR.I.D.E.'s founding member, Rose Rocco, appeared before the Brooksville City Council with me to present our request to waive of the parade permit and associated costs at their meeting on August 3. The city council passed our request with a 4-0 vote after Lara Bradburn made the initial motion, with a second from Richard Lewis.
Individuals and groups are already responding to our emails to participate in the parade. Rich Nugent, Dave Russell, the Hernando High School Band, and the Hernando Sportsman Club with their military vehicles have been the first to put their names on the list. Let me know if you would like to participate this year.
Our parade is a way for individuals in the community to thank our veterans. We have only one rule which is "no politics" in the parade. This event has been, and will continue to be, a non-political event to thank veterans.
I will post periodic updates over the next few weeks to keep everyone informed on our parade so stay tuned...

Feted by Republicans

After reading the story in the Hernando Today titled "Democrat Rocco to be feted by Republicans" it sounds like the Hernando County Republican Executive Committee members are scratching their heads for answers.
It sure looks like local business leaders and citizens in Hernando County are interested in individuals, not party ideology, for representation that will make our county a better place to live in the future. Economic growth and the betterment of the community can only be done with a positive message. This can-do attitude can be seen in Commissioner Rose Rocco's performance.
Good luck, Rose, on your fundraiser tonight. You deserve another 4 years as our commissioner for doing what's right for all the people in this county!