Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Simple economics

Below is an email my son sent to Governor Charlie Crist, Senators Fasano and Dockey and Representatives Shultz and Schenck at the conclusion of their budget session last week. He also sent this letter to Chris Wessel of the Hernando Today.
To All,
I want to SCREAM my opinion loud enough so that Tallahassee can hear my voice and hundreds of thousands of other employers' voices. I don't know who voted on Bills SB 516 and HB 1333, if you did not vote for it, then take the latter part of the email to colleagues who did and lay it out for them. If you voted for this load of horse manure SHAME ON YOU. REPUBLICANS DON'T VOTE FOR LEFT LEANING, SOCIALIST PROGRAMS DESIGNED TO ENSLAVE THE POPULATION TO THE GOVERNMENT.
Now, let me see if I can lay out a simple economics plan that even the simplest of minds can comprehend.
1. Man (or woman) have idea for new product of service.
2. They spend time developing product or service and market it.
3. Sales exceed what one person can handle, so they find second person.
4. Owner and second person agree to a fair wage, employer/employee relationship is born.
5. Another person follows steps 1-4.
6. When enough repeats of step 5, we need protection from crime, fire, foreign enemies etc.
7. One of people from group decides to be leader.
8. Decisions are made on behalf of entire group - employees and employers that will be beneficial to all but partial to none.

NOW if the employees decide to dictate how business will be conducted or unfairly re-negotiate labor contracts who suffers? The person buying the good or service supplied by the company. If the company is large enough, and sales fall too far what happens to company? They go bankrupt! If enough companies go bankrupt, who pays the salaries of the person/people in item 7? They're not needed anymore because there is no money to pay them either!

When you extend unemployment benefits out and out and out, you tell the employees that work is not necessary, because the government is going to take care of you! This is effectively the same as Labor Unions unfairly re-negotiating wages (employees telling the employer how to do business). I've read SB 516 and had to wear a clothespin on my nose just to get past the smell of manure emanating from my computer screen. "but the unemployment system is getting low on funds!" - NO KIDDING! You bunch of yahoos have written just about every conceivable reason NOT to work and still get "benefits" into the aforementioned bills.

Oh, wait, I've got an idea! We'll get some of that B.O. money from Washington that "we've got coming to us". This feeling of entitlement is another stinking load of GARBAGE. THE ONLY THING THAT THE CONSTITUTION OF THIS COUNTRY PROMISES IT'S CITIZENS IS "LIFE, LIBERTY AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS". That doesn't mean it will be a great life, full of trophies just for showing up and it sure as heck doesn't mean that it'll be all grins and ha-ha's. The founding fathers would roll over in their graves knowing that we are not sliding, but rather rocketing down the slippery slope towards SOCIALISM!

If you voted for this garbage, I will stand on street corners come next election day and work my butt off to see that someone who can make decisions for the "benefit of everyone" takes your place. Just in case, you feel like sending me some political double speak, save it. Hard work never killed anyone, and if it kills any of the sissies this country has raised in the last 30 years, DARWIN WAS RIGHT!

In closing, close up the ranks within our party so we can stop the Socialist agenda of the LEFT and get this country back on track!

Bryon A. Covell
Vice President
A.L. Covell Electric, Inc.

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