Wednesday, May 20, 2009


The Hernando Times editorial on Sunday stated that the "nickel-and-dime ideas floated at the Budget and Finance Committee's May meeting failed to address the significant task ahead." The Times perception is that this committee is somehow looking under the sofa, and through the junk drawers, to find loose change to balance the county's budget is way off base.

The reporter for the Times didn't even bother to attend this meeting so it can only be assumed that the editorial staff watched it on the government channel. Maybe the reporter was taking a bathroom break when all the big ticket items were discussed on how to reduce the $10-million budget deficit.

It is really amazing that the reporter for the Hernando Times failed to mention the $2.6 million in savings that would be gained if the employees were reduced to a 32-hour work week which was discussed by the committee. Committee members also touched on the possible savings to the taxpayers if the number of county employees were reduced on the payroll. Another suggestion by the committee was to give all employees the option of the buy-out previously offered to those making over $50,000 a year. The committee also has asked to review money spent through the Human Resources Department on employee continuing- education-credit reimbursement for 2009 to see if this is an area that can be trimmed for the budget.

The Times stated that the Budget and Finance Committee "made little headway in offering recommendations to the county commissioners" which is blatantly false. The committee made numerous motions to pass these recommendations onto the Hernando County Commissioners for their May 25th meeting. In fact, another motion was made to suggest the Hernando County Commissioners ask the League of Counties to form a committee of all 67 counties to combat the unfunded mandates from the Florida Legislature.

It appears that every time the Budget and Finance Committee strikes a nerve in this budget process, the press is quick to distort the truth. The Budget and Finance Committee has suggested over $3-million in budget reductions since the inaugural meeting in March. Frankly, this is a true sign that the commissioners made the right choice to form this standing committee. It's like sausage-making; it's not pretty but the end product will be something every one will appreciate at the end of the day.
***Please note that I received an email from the Hernando Times reporter who indicated she was in attendance at this meeting. I assured her that I would include this information even though I do not recall seeing her at the reporter's table in the county commission chambers that day.

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