Tunnel vision is the simplest way to describe Commission James Atkins view of Hernando County. Atkins' myopic viewpoint of taking the keys out of the THE bus only serves to illustrate his poor understanding of the funding the county receives from the state of Florida, and the federal government.
Atkins answer to everything is throwing out sarcastic one-liners to make a point. His reference to THE Bus ridership and that of the Space Shuttle is really wearing on the public patience. Maybe its time he educates himself to how our local government really works, in conjunction with the state, and the federal government. His lack of intelligence on the issues becomes more apparent with each commission meeting. Maybe if he had spend a little time attending MPO meetings, and regional planning meetings, before he ran for office he would understand the scope of the problems Hernando County faces with "just parking THE bus".
Atkins indicated that he had positive response for his statements concerning THE Bus. He attributed them to 28 to 30 emails about the topic. Someone should ask him if these emails were from the dwindling membership of the HCREC.
Thank goodness Commissioner David Russell is so astute on transportation funding from his days in the Florida Legislature. Russell stood up to the plate, and asked for help, from TBARTA and the FDOT, for the THE bus system in Hernando County. He knows that millions of dollars of transportation funds are at stake with the survival of the THE Bus. Russell also knows that the bus system needs to be radically changed in our tough economic times.
Sour grapes! The money still comes from our pockets whether it comes from the feds or local government... It is unethical to spend money on something that is so inefficient just to benefit the few people that use it.
Back in 2004 Anna Liisa Covell's position on The Bus: Given the demographics of the county, feels the service is not feasible. ( from Candidate positions state in SPT article).
Mrs. Covell is now apparently pro-"The Bus" because it is an opposing view to Mr. Adkins.
The everlasting Grudge Match.
Commissioner Adkins seems to fully understand waste and a vastly premature expendature of taxpayer's hard-earned money.
THE BUS is exactly that. Come back with public transportation for Hernando County in 10 years.
Anon #1: Thanks for your comments, Sour Puss. Apparently you are unable to grasp the concept of state and federal transportation funds; these funds go beyond the needs of the bus, like our arterial road system in the county.
Anon #2: You are absolutely right. In fact, I coined the term "Folly Trolley" in 2004 but times have changed in this state and so has my opinion of the bus. The state legislature& governor have tied TBARTA into our county's ability to provide mass transit; again, it reverts back to necessary funding for transporation infrastructure needs. We need to find better ways to make the bus cost effective & work efficiently for the public.
Anon #3: From your comments & those of Anon 1 & 2, it appears to me that you would prefer we wall off the county & become an island unto ourselves. The bus has become a critical link in transporation funds (state & federal) for our county. If the bus is cut, so goes the state & federal funds. Are you then going to comment on how much you love having your Ad Valorem increased to compensate for the necessary dollars needed for road repairs & construction if the bus is parked according to Atkins wishes???
Mass Transit is the backbone of any community if that community intends to sustain itself. History tells the story of growth, regardless of the time, I speak of Stage Coaches, Wagon Trains, Railroads, Airplanes, Busses, Trolley Cars, Canal Boats, Boats, High Speed Rail, Low Speed Rail, Subways, Car Pooling, Bus Pooling,Surface Rail, and I can go on and on and on. The story here is to get the MASSES of People to where they can find work, visit, shop, and play, a key ingredient in the decision making proess when a company is deciding to relocate in or to our County, you know, how are our workers going to get to my brand new place of business? This decision by the Commissioners is shortsighted and dangerous to our future economic viability.
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