Thursday, January 29, 2009


Excerpts from a press release from the office of Ginny Brown-Waite just prior to the House vote on Democrat's $819 billion economic stimulus package yesterday:

“There is no doubt that our economy needs a kick start to put us back on the path to prosperity,” said Rep. Brown-Waite. “What we do not need, however, is yet another pork ridden bailout that produces few jobs, sends billions of your money to corrupt organizations like ACORN, and does nothing to put money back in the hands of American taxpayers.

“The best way to stimulate the economy and create jobs is to cut personal tax rates across the board, reduce the corporate tax rate, and better fund organizations like the Small Business Administration and the Federal Housing Administration. These concrete steps would stimulate job growth, put money into consumers’ hands quickly, and help prevent future home foreclosures.

“The bill before us today does virtually nothing to promote immediate job growth or help struggling businesses. American’s strength is based on the hard work and ingenuity of its citizens, not throwing taxpayer funds into yet another bureaucratic black hole. A real stimulus package should return tax dollars back to the people that paid them, provide real incentives for American businesses to hire new employees, and help people stay in their homes.

Congratulations to all the Republicans in Congress that rejected Obama's $819 billion pork-laden spending project in the House yesterday.

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