The Greater Hernando Chamber of Commerce candidate forum last night was a major success. All candidates with primary opponents featured in this forum were fairly questioned by editors of the two local newspapers. Editor, Mike Konrad represented the Hernando Times at the forum, with his count-part from the Hernando Today, Chris Wessel, asking pertinent questions of the candidates.
Hernando County School Board candidate, Gene Magrini had the opportunity to enlighten the public about his extensive professional background in human resources and the management of budgets in the excess of $180 million. Gene has three children enrolled in Hernando County schools, unlike his opponents, which gives him real insight on the inner-workings of the school system. His professional world experience in management and coaching is a plus for this position.
Although judicial candidates are restricted under non-partisan rules, Denise Lyn gave a powerful presentation for her bid in the 5th Circuit Judge, Group 3. Ms. Lyn is even an Air Force veteran who received a commendation medal for her service.
It was rather amusing to watch the candidates for the congressional seat, 5th district. Mr. Werder arrived late and fumbled with his presentation. John Russell is now trying the softer, gentler approach trying to convince the public he is not an angry individual. Grandma Carol should have used the money she paid to have her name placed on the ballot for a fantasy, vacation cruise.
The three candidates for county commission that stood out above all the rest in the forum were Jeff Stabins / district 1, John Druzbick / district 3 and Billy Healis /district 5.
Jeff Stabins clearly pointed out the fiscal conservative nature of his current term while illustrating 25% reduction in Ad Valorem taxes to the homeowners of this county under his tenure. Mr. Stabins briefly pointed out his economic incentive plan to jump start the economy in his presentation and explained that any reduction in impact fees was not feasible due to necessary capital improvements. Mr. Stabins indicated that all taxpayers would have to make up the short fall in impact fees if the impact fees were temporally reduced for builders. Jeff clearly shined in his positive presentation at this forum.
John Druzbick's campaign pledge included his desire to have true zero-based budgeting in Hernando County. Mr. Druzbick strongly stated that the county government should be a "pay as you go" system and indicated that he would continue with the consolidation of departments when elected commissioner. John's dynamic presentation that gave him a distinctive edge over his opponents.
As a newcomer to the political scene, Billy Healis started off slightly nervous in his presentation but it was obvious that he clearly relaxed after he mentioned his wife and children in the audience. Mr. Healis' articulate presentation was the highlight of the district 5 race discussion, with his pledge to work for the betterment of the entire county, unlike his opponents that have played to the special interests in the community. Billy presented a refreshing change from the far, right wing, fringe element of his counterparts in this race.
Laurie Pizzo and Anthony Palmieri, along with Morris Porton of the governmental affairs committee of the Chamber, worked tirelessly so the public had the opportunity to become informed on the candidates. All the volunteers at the Chamber of Commerce should be commended for this forum which gave the public a real-life peek at the candidates in the primary election on August 26, 2008.
Did you really atttend the forum or watch it on TV ? Your account in no way describes the forum I attended at the court house. You've got to be kidding or just dedicated to sending out propaganda for your sselected candidates.
Actually, yes I did attend the forum in person, thanks for asking. I'm sure many in the public will agree with my interpretation of this forum.
BTW: This forum will be re-broadcast before the Primary Election on Channel 622 for those of you that missed it last night.
AL: I didn't see it your way at all. I didn't think Mr. Healis was articulate in any fashion, other than spouting the agenda of Mrs. Baldwin to audit the legal dept. And he certainly didn't want to step on any developer's toes by citing unharnessed development. He also had a lot of trouble reading his very own speech. I'm not convinced he's the change we need. In my opinion, Mr. Stabins was a true professional and is best for that seat. I thought Mr. Neuhausen was up-front and absolutely addressed issues important to teachers, parents and students alike.
One candidate needs to be asked if he lives in the district he's running in, maybe after he finishes his charter hard sell...then again, I just love irony.
Another candidate ought to be sure he has correct facts before going public with the wrong number of professional positions in a county office. He should also be concerned about parroting the same tired comments we seem to hear every week from a "gadfly" commenter at the board meetings...seems like he would know better than to act as the mouthpiece for a person who's been defeated twice in runs for the commission.
Anon 1 & 2: If you weren't aware, Mr. Healis has a problem with his speech and he sometimes stutters. I'm sure being nervous didn't help the situtation. All in all, he did fine after he relaxed. His answers were spoken from the heart, and if elected, I'm sure he will act in a very professional, courteous manner concerning all county departments.
ALC said: "If you weren't aware, Mr. Healis has a problem with his speech and he sometimes stutters."
Then maybe the Chamber of Commerce and Mrs. Baldwin should have found another candidate to run on their agenda.
Frankly, I find your comments about Mr. Healis not only rude but insulting to anyone with speech difficulties.
Mr. Healis has a favorable backing from the majority of members in the Chamber of Commerce for his outstanding committment to our community.
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